Ensuring insurance from the air


The hurricane season of 2017 was the most expensive on record, with estimated damages upward of$306 billion。为了从这些破坏性事件中恢复,社区需要政府组织和主要保险公司提供的财政支持。

Toaccurately calculate the cost of damages受影响的区域,因此,正确的payments, insurance companies and their contracted risk analysis service firms need to understand the structures, be it homes or businesses. There is where Geomni, a fully-owned business of risk assessment and data analytics company Verisk, comes in.

Geomni成立于2012年,旨在为内部提供关键服务,使用remote sensing and image capture为从保险代理商到屋顶工,为物业专业人员创建完整的数据包,以准确地为客户提供服务。公司用来收集此详细数据的工具之一是Leica CityMapper机载混合动力传感器。


当飓风(例如2017年的主要三人组)(迈克尔,艾尔玛和玛丽亚)威胁着一个地区,保险和风险分析公司开始崩溃。数学家,统计学家,气象学家和结构工程师的团队从合并的数据来源工作accurate estimates of damage


最后一个数据因素,理解各个建筑物,是Geomni专业的地方。该公司创建的完整数据包包含有关属性的详细信息,包括屋顶,窗户,墙壁,门等的测量。这些包装还包括捕获有关周围结构的数据,例如露台,游泳池和园景资产。此准确的数据为访问者提供了complete before picture什么时候comparisons need to be made发生破坏性事件后。

“With that understanding, our aim is to capture and process high-resolution aerial oblique imagery and other types of geospatial data of as many properties as possible across the entire United States,”说米agnus Olson, Geomni senior vice president of data strategy.“We’ve been able to find the高分辨率图像and streamline our flying process with the CityMapper. This understanding of the before condition of anenormous databaseof individual structures对于能够在任何事件后提供及时,准确评估损害的评估至关重要。”

Ensuring a simplified workflow

As a proud, self-sufficient company, Geomni searched for a更快,更可靠的方式为客户提供详细的图像needed to quickly make damage estimates and process claim payments. With the combination of regionally-dispersed aircraft and each equipped with CityMapper, the firm is now providingresults in daysinstead of months as the case used to be when relying on outside contractors to capture aerial imagery.

Today, Geomni has its own fleet of aircraft at hubs strategically located across the United States, many of which are equipped with CityMapper airborne sensors. The ability to provide both LiDAR and oblique imagery in one pass with the world’s first hybrid airborne sensor is also带来新的机会致公司。

“With both types of data, we have greater flexibility to take on different types of jobs,”said Olson。“我们不仅可以为我们的核心市场提供服务,例如保险,而且还可以扩展到传统的地理空间市场,例如测量和映射。”

As scientists predict climate change to continue elevating hurricanes and other natural events, the need for better understanding of structures threatened by these forces of nature increases.High-quality aerial imageryprovides a means to not only understand the basic structure but also thedetails of the building and surrounding assets可能会受到影响。关于这些结构的了解越多,能力越强大的保险公司提供所需的资源,并且能够从灾难中恢复得更好的社区。

Though Geomni supports post-disaster response, the company’s main focus is baseline imagery. Also collected with the CityMapper, baseline imagery is collected on a yearly basis with bi-annual updates. Geomni aims to fly all cities and urban areas in the United States with a population of 15,000 or more, and it makes tailored baseline imagery available according to customers’ unique needs.

Geomni serves a variety of industries, such as real estate, construction and landscaping, with its core offering of this baseline imagery. The detailed data available on particular properties enables these professionals to have the information needed to make accurate bids on jobs. Furthermore, driving its support of post-disaster response, the baseline imagery Geomni collects, and its original intention of implementing CityMapper into its workflows, also significantly increases the value of pre- and post-disaster analysis.

“By using the baseline imagery, users are quicker and more efficient in drafting their bids; knowing exactly what they’ll need to get the job done without overages,” said Magnus Olson, Geomni senior vice president of data strategy. “At Geomni, our job is to enable our clients to do the best possible work by providing them with the most accurate possible data.”


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