

We are all increasingly aware of the impact of climate change. And we need to care deeply about the environment if we all want this Earth to be preserved for future generations. And I am concerned about the future. At the same time as Hexagon’s Chief Technology Officer, I am also optimistic. I believe in the power of technology and innovation to solve the most pressing problems. Much of the technology that will significantly reduce waste and emissions already exists, and at Hexagon we’re determined to make it more inclusive and more broadly available in more seamless workflows.

The pandemic crisis has accelerated digitalisation everywhere including in our own company. Because of travel restrictions and safety requirements, we’re now collaborating entirely digitally both internally as well as with our partners around the globe. Traditional innovation processes that include different prototypes and real-life testing can use up a lot of resources. Engineers, for example, usually produce and physically test multiple samples. Within digital workflows, however, engineers can use computer simulations to study the performance of different materials and test them virtually. In 2020, we changed our innovation process including testing and production planning to be entirely virtual. A team in one country developed the product and created a virtual prototype which was then tested by a team in another country to check the design was correct.

可持续性是整个过程中的主题。我们总是问您可以快点工作?该过程在哪里可以更瘦?您如何更有效地做到这一点?您可以简化哪些元素?通常,可持续性因素符合用户需求。节能工具和设备不仅是环保的,而且对于用户来说,它们也更方便,因为您需要减少或更换电池组。我们的品牌强调高质量,耐用的产品可确保长期存在的生命周期,这些生命周期为客户的兴趣,并且更环亚搏彩票手机版下载保。我们的培训,维护和服务确保产品保持良好的工作状态,并降低可能导致重新加工成本,废料以及材料亚搏彩票手机版下载或能源浪费的准确性问题的风险。预测和预防性维护避免了不必要的机器停机时间,并进一步推动了可持续性。 Support staff can solve issues remotely and anticipate the need for site visits. Planning such trips and predicting the need of spare parts — rather than merely reacting to issues — avoids unnecessary journeys while saving the customer time. Consultancy also helps eliminate unnecessary activities and thus unnecessary emissions. So, as we optimise for customer outcomes in the innovation process, we optimise for sustainability.


In addition, autonomous systems and processes need to be able to deal with changing situations. In the autonomous future Hexagon is envisioning, work processes and even entire industries will be able to adapt intelligently and autonomously. Real-time data impels autonomous, fully optimised and sustainable workflows. Hexagon is adeptly positioned to drive this autonomy with its sensors, software and autonomous solutions.

许多人仍将自治与汽车联系起来。它可以做更多的事情 - 但是该示例可以帮助证明自主过程的影响。自动驾驶汽车比人类驱动的汽车更燃油或节能。自动驾驶汽车减少了拥堵,从而减少了发动机空转时间。实际上,一项研究表明,即使是具有自主速度控制的一辆汽车,也会对交通流量产生明显影响。研究人员表明,自动驾驶汽车可以将幻影波中车辆的燃油消耗量减少40%。许多领域都会受益于数据燃料的自主权。它可以使化石燃料清洁剂,可再生能源农场更高效,采矿更安全,制造精简,建筑物更聪明,城市更宜居。当我们的产品支亚搏彩票手机版下载持这些自主系统时,我们正在帮助客户和社会获得优势。

我们继续开创自主创新,并使他们民主化。诸如Solutions的Leica BLK投资组合和我们的HXDR平台之类的技术易于使用,并且可以访问数字化和自主权的好处,并可以使用广泛的行业和用户。

设想并见证 - 如何将完全数字化的流程与人工智能(AI)配对如何打破新的基础是令人兴奋的。深度学习可以从数据中提取新的学习,并启用我们目前几乎无法想象的解决方案和应用程序。AI已经改变了我们如何进行机器可视化和图像处理。将AI与同时本地化和映射结合在一起,以及其与智能传感器并在边缘进行处理的能力,将提高机器人技术并解锁更多自治潜力。

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