
käppeli数字和重型结构中的监视 - 缩略图

监视& the future of heavy construction



监视a landslide recovery operation

Emergency services needed to quickly control the stability of the slopes in order to begin rescue operations. Working in a precarious and unstable situation, they needed an alert system to warn them should the waste material move again.

man performing monitoring measurements with Leica Geosystems total station

Campaign monitoring in heavy construction

The importance of monitoring is growing in heavy construction as the rapid execution of projects requires enhanced focus on worker safety and structural health.

监视the historic Dom Carre Hotel  during renovation


必须保存作为历史悠久的建筑物,必须保存Dom Hotel的原始立面和楼梯,而部分拆除其内部结构。


Leica Geosystems仪器如何为监视和施工应用提供节省成本的好处。

悉尼中央车站的火车景观正在由Leica TM50总站监视



Hinkley Point C Case Study - Monitoring Solutions

Hinkley Point C的坡度移动监控

新的Hinkley Point C(HPC)核电站在英格兰萨默塞特郡的建设中将生产3.2 GWE可靠的低碳电力 - 足以为600万英国的房屋供电。

用Matrix AB的Eva Nilsson监视Kristianstad的中央污水处理厂

监视Kristianstad’s central sewage treatment plant



监视historic Harvard Stadium

Find out how monitoring helps guide Harvard to make appropriate decisions on the life-safety of the famous Harvard stadium.

Terradata & Leica Geosystems Case Study - Digging deeper with monitoring - Thumbnail

Digging deeper with monitoring


Edgar Cardoso Bridge monitoring case study thumbnail image

Bridge rehabilitation

Learn all about the connection between Leica Geosystems’ monitoring package and the rehabilitation of the Edgar Cardoso bridge in Figueira da Foz, Portugal.

Central Park Tower Monitoring Case Study 1680 x 856px

Locating the floors of America’s tallest residential building

Deploying a GPS solution to locate the layout of Central Park Tower‘s floors

Royal Canadian Hangars Monitoring 1680 x 856 px



Canakkale Bridge Monitoring Turkey Thumbnail 1680x856px

Bridging the continental divide

了解有关Leica Geosystems的监控包的所有信息,用于监视1915CANAKKALE桥,连接土耳其和欧洲大陆其他地区。

Berny Monitoring Case Study Small Image

Railway and platform monitoring during construction

Leica Geosystems技术将自己置于铁路服务

Kings Cross prism and tilt

Underneath King’s Cross redevelopment

Ensuring safety in London’s underground with a tailored monitoring solution

Real-time monitoring advances landslide risk management

On September 30, 2018, the 200 or so residents of British Columbia’s Old Fort (not far from Fort St. John) were shocked by the roar of a landslide

监视Melbourne’s railways

City infrastructures are not built overnight. In between planning, design and construction, there are other crucial activities – just like monitoring happening at the same time.

Auf der Suche Nach Versteckten Kammern Rund Um Tutanchamuns Grab

Erforschung des bekanntesten ägyptischen Pharaonengrabs mittels Bodenradar

wie bekommt man ein kamel mit gnss durch einnadelöhr

Ausdocken von riesigen Schiffsteilen in Deutschland mithilfe von GNSS

Gewährleistungder Sicherheit von pendlern在都柏林

Einrichtung Einesüberwachungssystemsfürdie stadtbahn in der Irischen hauptstadt

präzisePositionung在Der Skyline von London

Ermittlung präziser und zuverlässiger Koordinaten beim Bau des zweithöchsten Wolkenkratzers Londons mit einer maßgeschneiderten GNSS-Lösung


监视water levels in Germany with GeoMoS.

The sailors journey



Preserving cultural artefacts with a total station in Sweden.


Combining geotechnical and geodetic data for monitoring


Kontaktaufnahme mit Leica Geosystems

Hier Finden Sie Ihren Leica Geosystems ansprechpartnerfürVertrieb,支持UND Technischen服务。
Hier Finden Sie Ihren Leica Geosystems ansprechpartnerfürVertrieb,支持UND Technischen服务。