Leica Geosystemspresented at Geospatial World Forum 2017

Last week Leica Geosystems presented its latest innovations at the Geospatial World Forum (GWF) which was held in Hyderabad International Convention Centre with the theme "Geospatial + Deep Learning: Shaping Smarter World".

During the event Leica Geosystems received the"Geospatial World Innovation Award" in Laser Scanning for theBLK360, a revolutionary 3D imaging laser scanner. Attendees had the chance to see and experience the BLK360, the Leica Pegasus:Two, the Leica CityMapper, the Leica DISTO S910 and more products featured at the Leica Geosystems booth.




Case Studies

Erfahren Sie,AllerWeltLösungenVon Leica Geosystems Einsetzen中的Wie Kunden。找到sie annegungenfürihreprojekte。
Erfahren Sie,AllerWeltLösungenVon Leica Geosystems Einsetzen中的Wie Kunden。找到sie annegungenfürihreprojekte。

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Hier finden Sie Ihren Leica Geosystems Ansprechpartner für Vertrieb, Support und technischen Service.