


Author:Arno Kijzerwaard

荷兰59%的领土容易受到洪水的影响,而26%的领土低于海平面。对于这个西欧国家而言,防止和保护海水水平上升至关重要 - 在1953年的北海洪水中,荷兰证明了加强肋骨防御能力的重要性。由于其低且平坦的地理位置,该国包含大量堤防 - 准确地说是17,691公里。

该国的堤防由沃特板管理。在荷兰中部,有MAAS,WAAL和NEDERRIJN河流美丽而脆弱的地区 - 由于气候变化,海平面正在上升,导致河流洪水泛滥。为了确保公民安全,该地区的堤防每两年检查一次,并每六年对其进行一次调查,以确保他们保持高高和足够的稳固。

Kempkes Landmeten,一家专门翻译广泛的Geodesy中数据的公司,surveyed 19 kilometres of dike along the Waal river, in the area of Waterboard Rivierenland. To give an idea of scale, this is 10% of the width of the Netherlands. In the past, dikes were surveyed with traditional survey methods involving a great deal of levelling. Over time, airborne methods, such as laser scanning from a helicopter were applied. Even when surveying from the air is far more efficient than traditional surveying, several rules, accuracies and safety measures must be applied.



Kempkes Landmeten与Waterboard Rivierenland讨论了一种调查堤防安全性的新方法。他们建议使用下一代移动映射技术,Leica Pegasus:Two Mobile Sensor Platform, to deliver the task with the quality requested.

整个区域的传统调查将花费数月才能完成 -19-kilometre trajectory was done in two days移动映射解决方案安装在普通汽车上,从道路上扫描。使用Pegasus:两辆在不同的车辆上进行越野调查,然后在几天内扫描了整个项目。这包括双运行,处理移动映射数据并生成结果。现在,传统的测量师只需要在无法通过移动映射捕获的数据中捕获点云和“孔”。


“ Leica Pegasus:两个可以安装在汽车,船上或其他任何其他车辆上。从车辆迁移时,不必重新校准该系统,我们可以灵活,轻松地捕获毫米范围内的现实,”Kempkes Landmeten的所有者Rob Kempkes说。“由于调查更快,不需要采取安全措施,因此可以节省大量费用。”

“I have worked on this project with great pleasure. Where we used to do a traditional survey, surveyors could now drive off-road with a quad instead. They, of course, loved this,”said Erwin Perik, responsible for development.“整个工作流程非常有效。我们捕获的内容立即被检查了 - 我们从未在不知道数据很好的情况下离开网站。”

From data to a Digital Terrain Model


珀加索斯:两个几百字节包含ing point cloud data and photos were acquired for this project. The data was processed with Leica Pegasus:AutoP software, checked on quality via a multi-pass. This means the trajectory is mapped twice with the Pegasus:Two mounted on a car with opposite scanner rotation. This double-run gives a check on position quality, and reduces blind spots and unwanted traffic in the data. The resulting coloured point cloud is related to 50 ground control points and natural benchmark points.

为了调整和执行质量控制数据,通过Leica Pegasus检查了绝对位置,高度,完整性,传播和着​​色的数据:查看器和Kempkes Landmeten的自制软件。独立的调查方法(例如级别和测量概况)用于双重研究质量。

扫描未覆盖的少数部分,例如建筑物的背面或排水管等物体,使用Leica Total Station和GNSS接收器对传统方法进行了调查。亚博5分钟快三如果在Pegasus的照片上看不到:两个。

然后,使用传统调查的后处理数据用于为客户生成最终产品 - 一个complete 3D Digital Terrain Model with GIS metadata

除了最终的结果外,Waterboard Rivierenland现在还能够使用所有额外的收集数据,例如使用Pegasus收集的360度球体照片:两个。多亏了额外信息的惊人来源,因此无需出门。过去,测量师必须回到现场,可以在一个位置轻松生成额外的交叉轮廓。这更快,更安全,是完美的基础,可以在日常过程中更轻松,更有信息的决策。

Daring to disrupt


“Next-generation mobile-mapping suits Kempkes Landmeten. With both legs firmly in the river clay we are a forerunner in applying innovative techniques,”肯普斯说。“当我们做某事时,它必须是当前的,可靠的和完整的。”

使用Pegasus:事实证明,两个人更加灵活,安全,更快,可扩展性,使Kempkes Landmeten在该项目和其他项目的竞争中成为关键优势。像Leica BLK360成像激光扫描亚博ag真人规律仪和Jetstream一样,对新的现实捕获和处理解决方案进行投资,使共享点云数据更加有效。

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