Leica Captivate–Release of v2.00 with a whole bunch of exciting new additions

上周,Leica Caintivate v2.00发布了。随着该版本,新的GS传感器,新的总站和多站功能以及软件中的许多新功能。

In this blog post, Alastair Green, Onboard Software business director at Leica Geosystems explains a ttle more about the Captivate release…

Alastair - 请简要说明新功能

好吧,是的,这必须简短 - 此版本中有很多!

Firstly are the new Leica Viva GS16 GNSS sensors. The development of this new sensor has already been explained in this blog but basically, this new GNSS sensor with RTKplus, Smartnk, 555 channels and new RTK algorithms will allow users to work in locations where it has never previously been possible.

关于Leica Nova MS60多站,我们引入了Dynamic Lock - 这是一个奇妙的时光和节省货币!基本上,不再需要站立并等待仪器在杆上找到并锁定到目标上 - MS60在目标移动时将定位并锁定在目标上。



In addition, we have a new setup method called “orientate to object” – this is perfect for measuring objects with their own coordinate system (such as a large concrete beam, see below)

Leica Captivate


Leica Captivate

Leica Captivate


All sounds great! Alastair – what else is there?


- 扫描或测量道路表面或隧道对齐方式并将现实与设计的能力

Leica Captivate


– A long-range Bluetooth stick for our Leica CS35 tablet,

– The ability to search for a job in the Home screen,

– And a whole lot more.

What is the best way to find out about all the new features?

所有功能在发行说明中都充分描述。Leica Caintivate V2发行注释_en

How do you decide which features to include in a release?



- 大多数人都要求哪些功能

- 支持新硬件需要哪些功能(例如GS16)

- 哪些功能将提供最大的生产率提高

- 有时我们必须为特殊项目实施新功能

What do you do now?

我们当然要研究下一个版本!我还不能确切地说何时会,但是我们希望很快能带来一些令人兴奋的新功能。通常,我们每年都有一个主要版本,但现在我们希望以较短的间隔推出较小的发行版。我们知道我们的客户喜欢尽快拥有新功能 - 我们正在努力做到这一点。

Thanks Alastair!


Leica Captivate

阿拉斯泰尔·格林(Alastair Green)
有关更多信息Leica Caintivate请单击此处

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