Always comes in 3s

作者:Bora Yavuz


捕获土耳其奥斯曼帝国的布尔萨大清真寺的文化遗产项目肯定是三个 - 然后是六个。

Built between 1396 and 1399, one of the most unique features of the mosque is itsMinbaror pulpit. Designed in 6,666 interlocking pieces of walnut wood with nil a piece of metal or nail used during assembly, each piece represents one of the verses of the Quran.

Leica Geosystems阿联酋办公室的任务是捕获3D模型Minbarand front interiors of the 2,215 sq m structure by Burset Project & Engineering. The project was commissioned by the Merinos Atatürk Congress & Culture Centre as an exhibit for the museum’s Ottoman era section.

“通过Leica T-Scan和C10扫描仪组合,我们在短时间内达到了高质量的数据集,”said Cihan Özüisik, Burset Project & Engineering design engineer.“这是我们反向工程项目的最佳拟合解决方案,我们将来一定会再次使用。”


Merging laser scanners for one model

The general scan of the building was captured with aLeica C10扫描仪. With the mosque’s 20 domes and 2 minarets, the C10’s full dome and 360º focused areas scans saved the team great amounts of time, enabling the complete project to befinished in only 3 days.

Working with another Hexagon business, theMinbar被Leica T-Scan捕获,并由土耳其的Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence扫描团队与Leica Absolute Tracker AT40亚搏苹果app2进行了跟踪。

“凭借绝对跟踪器的最高精度,我能够捕获复杂的木制品的每个细节Minbar,”六边形制造情报应用程序经理 - 便携式亚搏苹果app系统GökhanSunar说。“Combined with the detailed scan of the interior of the mosque by the C10, we were able to provide a full 3D model of such a historical and culturally important site.”

Bringing Several Cloud Points into one


The point clouds captured by different instruments were registered and overlapped in 3D Reshaper softtware and modeled.

Total data size and modeling accuracy:

  • 高分辨率C10扫描约为1GB 2 mm
  • 3 GB用于T扫描和绝对跟踪器扫描20微米



这启用了同一坐标系中多点云的注册。结果,由Meshing Command在3DR中创建的3D模型和重建和编辑以提高质量的模型。

With this 1-2-3 solution, the Bursa Grand Mosque is now digitally preserved for generations to come. With the 3D model on display in the museum, people are able to enjoy its beauty and cultural significance.

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