激光扫描如何改变FAM构建方式(Ferrovial - Allan Myers),收集其道路项目的网站信息


作者:弗兰克·科拉索(Frank Collazo)


借助3D激光扫描, this project is changing the wayFAM建设collects site information, reports changes and insures everything is within design tolerances.

Said Gabriel Jimenez Lopez, FAM’s Survey Manager,“With scanning, I don’t have to imagine anything, it is a highly accurate 3D picture of the construction site sitting on my laptop, better yet, I don’t have to rely on someone’s interpretation of what they think is a break-line or an important feature, and best I don’t have to question if they picked up a critical piece of data. Everything is there all the time”.

Field Crew

2-person crew setting control with a Leica GS18 T, while placing the RTC360 3D laser scanner on a tripod. Total time per setup; 2 minutes 30 seconds.

两个扫描机组人员每个配备了Leica RTC3603D激光扫描仪,平板电脑Leica Cyclone Field 360应用,Leica CS20控制器和Leica GS18 tGNSS smart antenna. They are standalone independent of other surveyors so no need for total station coordination and no need to plan where to set control.


Consists of setting one control point with the GS18 T/CS20 at 30-second RTK mode per setup, then using Cyclone FIELD 360 app to scan at medium resolution and acquire HDR imagery: roughly 1 minute 51 seconds for scan and imagery. Basically, press two points in field, one on CS20 for control, the other on the Cyclone FIELD 360 app to scan, then rinse and repeat. Control is extracted in the office using auto-extract control during import.

When a project calls for higher accuracy, such as monitoring structures and steel, GNSS RTK control is supplemented with total station control.


扫描被进口到Cyclone REGISTER 360并检查。无需注册或地理参考,因为这是通过Cyclone Field 360应用程序在字段中完成的。只需导入,检查质量,根据需要调整,然后导出点云并使用旋风3dr对于它提供的许多应用程序。天气正在检查垂直性,自动提取的地面以创建锡,音量计算,创建横截面报告或检查根据设计与设计,Cyclone 3DR涵盖了所有这些。


  • Earthwork calculations
  • Monitor retaining walls - check from week to week to ensure movement did not occur
  • 桥梁甲板在建造过程中为新的和扩展的桥梁工作,以确保满足设计公差
  • Measuring stockpile volumes with high accuracy
  • Checking verticality of H-piles (i.e. steel)
  • 与其他部门共享数据,即他们的建筑技术办公室通过Internet使用TruView
  • 分水岭分析
  • 桥梁清除
  • 检查现有桥梁的结构损坏以维修

Watch video to see project in action.


Instead of checking elevation and verticality against design one measurement at a time via total station, FAM checks hundreds of H-piles in minutes with RTC360

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