Leica Geosystemslaser scanners and Hexagon PPM 3D design software access ‘true reality’



Author:Jesús Bonet Edesa

The quality of every project is defined at its start.




这家全球能源公司在整个碳氢化合物价值链中具有集成运营,从天然来源为化学工业生产原材料,并具有可再生能源业务。CEPSA在五大洲开发了业务,并在三年前开始了一个战略项目digitally capture its facility and fuse it with the digital world

Highlighting Hexagon’s capacity to leverage its full spectrum of solutions across the project lifecycle,亚搏苹果app六边形ppm提供数字设计,六边形地理系统可提供现实捕获。亚博ag真人规律亚搏苹果app

This places the digital plant at Cepsa’s fingertips.

Going Digital



与新的Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360, scans can now be fused fully and automatically, wildly faster than anything else in the market.


CEPSA的管道部门负责人Patricia Chacon Sangines说“The commitment to the implemen-tation of new technologies in engineering design, as Leica Geosystems solutions has been one of the keys to face our digital transformation. This process allows us to perform projects on tight schedules, find a highly cost-effective solution and optimise man-hours, placing us at the forefront of 3D plant design.”

Simple savings


这项技术已设置为save 1 to 2 per cent on projects,加起来huge savings on ventures with budgets of US$100+ million

“We have further strengthened our position in the market and addressed some major bottlenecks preventing a wider adoption of 3D point cloud processing technology,”Leica Geosystems业务发展副总裁Faheem Khan说。“These bottlenecks range from long pro-cessing times, lack of automation, missing quality control functionality and pure complexity of the task. With Cyclone REGISTER 360, registration is up to 20 times faster with a simple drag – drop – go function and quality management is built into the heart of the product.”


执行扫描后,CEPSA将使用Hexagon PPM解决方案(例如IntergraphSmart亚搏苹果app®3D和SmartPlant Review)通过将点云与设施的设计融合来访问这一真实现实。



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