Noemi Boldrini - 作为世界旅行者建立多元文化的职业


这些只是描述IDS Georadar的销售经理Noemi Boldrini的几​​种方法,她将她从世界旅行中学到的多元文化课程供您与客户建立联系。

“我一生都努力达到我的目标d follow my dreams. My family taught me that if you want to achieve something, you have to go for it. At the beginning, it was really tough, but now I know everything is possible. You just need to discover what you want to do, believe in it and fight for it. This strong belief, gave me the chance to meet so many wonderful people not only in my travels but also in my work,” said Boldrini. “I met visionary people who unhinged my way of seeing the world, showing me there is always another way to see a situation or solve it. Also, when things seems insurmountable, there is always another way or something completely different that you can try.

“Once, one of my great mentors told me that life is like a game, every day you can choose who you are and how you are going to play. Finally, I believe in people. We change cities, countries, companies, but at the end, what remains inside you is the feeling related to people. I’m curious, and I’m quite comfortable interacting with different people. I use this quality in my work to better understand my customers and their unique needs. Of course they are the key of our success.”





学习后,她的第一批地质工作是在意大利的皮埃蒙特地区。她第一次有机会进行风险管理分析,并遇到了她的第三个热情 - 雪。在阿尔卑斯山的滑雪坡上,她成为了雪地观察员,然后成为雪崩技术人员,支持研究和操作以监视,分析和评估雪稳定性。她担任雪崩委员会的一员,并负责一个赛季的滑雪中心的安全。



“It’s just up to you to show them that you are actually capable,” said Boldrini, “After a year, though, when they got used to me, they no longer saw me as just a woman – they see me as a fellow colleague.”


She experienced how Australians she knew were changing jobs later in life and were applauded for following their dreams. This concept was not familiar to her in Italy. She really liked this belief, and she decided to always follow her dreams, regardless of what others thought of her.


Her next destination working and living abroad took Boldrini to Chile. She first worked in a ski center and then, a few days before going back to Italy, in a sustainable mine conference she met a geologist who proposed to work on an environmental project monitoring glaciers. Another adventure then started in an engineering mining company as she worked as a geotechnical geologist managing environmental projects, leading teams in the office and in the field, dealing directly with the clients, organising and installing the monitoring network, and in charge of all the technical documentation.

“我是三家公司的主要接触,管理着不同的人群,与该领域的运营商一起安装4,000至5,000 m S.L.M的现场,与直升机或步行一起安装;在技​​术办公室,与研发人员改善了软件的特征;在工程办公室与地质学家,数学家,工程师和测量师一起工作,试图了解数据,对数据进行建模并实现技术报告或发明一些新工具。”

Here she learned her third language, Spanish, in addition to her native tongue of Italian and English she mastered in Australia.

“智利是一个了不起的生活场所,我的心爱上了智利及其人民,” Boldrini说。“我在那里学到了很多关于自己的知识,并在那里结交了一些我最好的朋友。我有时甚至会用西班牙语思考。”

每当Boldrini有机会时,她都在旅行和探索沙漠,同性恋者,攀登5000 M S.L.M.山脉,在活火山上滑雪,参观葡萄园或参观奇伦尼亚历史的博物馆。

Boldrini说:“我参加的最令人惊叹的滑雪巡回赛是一个人在活跃的Laima火山上 - 这是我将永远留在记忆中的令人难以置信的经历。”“当我到达顶峰时,我遇到了许多世界上的许多人 - 德国,法语,西班牙,乌拉圭,加拿大人。火山口是一个完全巨大的花椰菜,它散发出活跃火山的气体。雪是变形的,类似于玻璃。”


Boldrini于2017年回到了她的祖国意大利,当时她在PISA担任IDS Georadar的角色。即使是现在,她在该国的一个地区工作与长大的地方有很大不同。

“In Northern Italy, we are quite conservative and reserved. Here in Tuscany, the culture is more energetic and revealed,” she explains. “I feel I have a mixed identity now, and that works to my benefit. Every day in my role, I work not only with diverse customers but also with a mix of colleagues with different roles. Every role, of course, approaches work in a different way, so it is interesting to find a way to communicate with every department.”

与IDS Georadar合作,Boldrini说她喜欢乐趣和工作环境。毫不奇怪,她最喜欢的部分是与来自意大利乃至其他国家的同事合作的多元文化方面。

“我喜欢与IDS客户合作,并试图开放,以寻找始终的新策略来满足我的客户,” Boldrini总结道。“关键是要继续学习,并始终努力成为一个更好的专业人士,但主要是一个更好的人。我鼓励更多的技术女性,并促进技术中的多样性,包容性和公平性的价值。”

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