Leica Captivate experience About the release of the Leica CTR35

Leica Captivate

最近,Leica Geosystems引入了远程蓝牙棒-CTR35。我们已要求Leica Geosystems产品经理Danuta Kusber解释有关CTR35的更多信息。


CTR35是(可移动的)远程蓝牙棒Leica CS35平板电脑.

This stick extends the robotic working distance when using a CS35 tablet connected with any Leica Viva total station or Nova MultiStation - that is, the distance between the user with the CS35 on the detail pole and the instrument.

Leica Captivate

我们已经引入了CTR35,因为对于用户来说,能够在距离仪器更远处进行机器人测量点显然是一个优势 - 这意味着仪器需要较少移动,从而节省了时间和金钱。

What distances are now possible?



好的 - 请注意以下内容:

  • The CTR35 can only be used when Leica Captivate v2. or higher is installed on the CS35. It cannot be used with previous versions.
  • A "how-to" video is available which fully explains how to connect, setup and use the CTR35 - definitely watch this video below!

Danuta, thanks for your time.


Leica Captivate

Danuta Kusber, product manager at Leica

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