


亚搏苹果app六边形地理空间,我们的姐妹公司已发布其Power Portfolio,使您能够将多源内容转换为可操作的信息。

结合通用电气从徕卡产品和解决亚搏彩票手机版下载方案osystems Geospatial Solutions Division, Hexagon Geospatial's Power Portfolio efficiently streams accurate and current data to users on any device.

将其七个产品线组合到投资组合中,可以使六边形地理空间提供“不同的软件包……,使我们多样化的用户群更容易识别赋予其业务亚搏苹果app能力的产品线,”六边形地理空间总裁Mladen Stojic在最近的传感变更博客邮政

新的Power Portfolio提供了三个套件,将Hexagon Geospatial的行业领域的产品组合为描述性类别,同亚搏苹果app时仍保留其全球认可的名称:亚搏彩票手机版下载

  • 生产者套房使您有能力收集,处理,分析和理解原始的地理空间数据。通过Hexagon GeoSpatial的基于桌面的GIS,遥感和摄影测量法提供并传递亚搏苹果app可用信息。
  • Provider Suiteallows you to manage and deliver your data to others. Organise and optimise enterprise-wide data holdings into a centralised library, and distribute to desktop, web and mobile applications.
  • 平台套房提供了使用一组以开发人员为中心的技术组成的工具来构建自定义的地理空间应用程序和解决方案。扩展地理空间功能,通过现代和动态的工具包需要它。

"Congratulations to Hexagon Geospatial for achieving this great milestone. The new product segmentation makes sense and will help to focus better on customer-specific applications and segments," said Ruedi Wagner, Solutions VP and GM of Leica Geosystems Geospatial Solutions Division. "We are excited about working with our sister company to serve our customers with some thrilling innovations and more cross-portfolio synergies."

要了解有关Hexagon Geospat亚搏苹果appial的Power Portfolio的更多信息,请查看下面的视频并访问powerportfolio.com



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