

Author:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez

If a picture says thousand words, imagine how 3D laser scanning augments perception to find truth in a crime scene investigation. Johnson's County Sheriff Office in Kansas, USA, has been using Leica Geosystems laser scanning technology for eight years. Reporter caught up with Andrea Reed from Johnson's County Sheriff Office criminalistics laboratory during HxGN LIVE 2018 to learn how laser scanning solutions from Leica Geosystems is bringing people back to any crime scene.


激光扫描使我们能够重现犯罪现场, so people step back into the crime scene in a digital reality. We use theLeica ScanStationto determine the spatial relationships, because crime scene photographs don't allow us to reallyshow the spatial relationship between items and evidence

在美国堪萨斯州约翰逊县的代理机构中,我们使用激光扫描记录主要犯罪现场 - 无论是杀人罪,可疑死亡,涉及军官枪击事件,还是任何可以进行一些重建的枪击场景杆。

我们的犯罪现场调查人员精通使用Lica扫描仪和Leica Cyclone 3D点云后处理办公软件。我们可以创建不同的输出,例如旋风软件中的快照,并从扫描数据中显示不同类型的图片。我们也可以创建truview链接,使人们能够以虚拟的方式进入犯罪现场。

How does Leica Geosystems 3D laser scanners and software provide a forensic tool over traditional methods of crime scene mapping?

How does Leica Geosystems 3D laser scanners and software provide a forensic tool over traditional methods of crime scene mapping?

激光扫描取出任何类型错误的人为因素。3D激光扫描超越磁带测量,量角器和激光测量设备,并且更准确,并且more precise than traditional methods手工进行测量。然后,当您进入我们可以使用数据时,它远远超过了任何其他方法。

我总是告诉人们:“您只有一次,一次机会在犯罪现场记录和收集和保存证据。那么,为什么在世界上您不想达到最高的准确性?”还有什么比使用Leica Geosystems 3D激光扫描仪更好的方法呢?

How is Leica Geosystems software supporting your needs?

传统方法仅允许我们创建2D图。有了旋风,你可以create 3D models with different perspectives and floor plan layouts。和truview本地人们实际上可以进入犯罪现场。truview允许我们share point cloud data with an internet link to see a virtual and photo-realistic view of the sites。在某个案例中,我们使用了一次苍蝇,表明被告有机会从门口退出,但继续前进犯有杀人罪。我们能够通过扫描数据显示该人通过出口的路径。

During the conference I've heard about the Leica Geosystems Incident Mapping Software,Leica Map360,我认为这对我们回到实验室和犯罪现场部门将非常有利。我真的很高兴回去和老板交谈,并解释说:“这是我认为我们应该使用的,这是它的优势,这就是我们可以使用它的方式”我们的游戏。

What were the features in Map360 that caught your attention?

MAP360似乎是一个easier workflow for shooting incident reconstructionand I really liked how you could使用点云来绘制场景您收集并捕获了。桌面软件允许用户create court ready documents并使犯罪现场的视觉表现更加视觉表现。

Could you provide an example on how data captured with laser scanning helped Johnson's County Sheriff Office to solve a case?

Could you provide an example on how data captured with laser scanning helped Johnson's County Sheriff Office to solve a case?


输出the software helps us to do court exhibits。我们经常在大型海报板上有平面图布局,以解释我们发现了哪种证据以及在哪里。我们可以在3D激光扫描仪输出布局中显示,其中一切都在犯罪现场。这确实有助于将陪审团定为我们所谈论的内容以及我们在谈论的犯罪现场的何处。

您在HXGN Live学到了什么,可以改善您的工作?

How is Leica Geosystems software supporting your needs?

I took a session onLeica Cyclone REGISTER 360。我们没有意识到我们可以使用它,现在我知道我们已经有360册作为许可的一部分,我们可以提供更有用的工作流程和额外的输出。

What is the major take away for you at HxGN LIVE 2018?


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