Pioneering Single Photon LiDAR in Europe

Case Study

Author:Renata BarradasGutiérrez


If you are visiting Pamplona, capital of Navarre province in northern Spain, famous worldwide for the running of the bulls, and you are planning an excursion, maps with all the topographic information of this multifaceted region are accessible through the comfort of your mobile phone.


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Pioneering Single Photon LiDAR in Europe


44年后,Navarre的表面被LIDAR捕获。在2011年至2012年之间特拉卡萨这是一家公司,开发了西班牙市场的加达斯特,制图和领土信息系统的大型项目,涵盖了纳瓦尔的领土高点密度激光雷达。Tracasa使用Leica ALS60机载传感器,从天空中捕获了该异质区域的每平方米1.2点。

2017年,纳瓦尔(Navarre)制图管理的管理决定更新该地区的激光雷达数据,将前激光雷达飞行的点密度提高了10 -莉卡SPL100 LiDAR sensor进行了量子飞跃,将前激光雷达飞行的密度增加到每平方米14分。


Pioneering Single Photon LiDAR in Europe

由于没有其他公司在欧洲具有该传感器的经验,how to decide the first commercially available single-photon LiDAR airborne sensor was the right technology?

特拉卡萨, following the assignment of the government of Navarre and in collaboration with the Spanish National Geographic Institute (IGN), set up a demanding tender that included a very high point density of 10 points per square metre – very few sensors could comply with these high specifications with the efficiency needed for such a vast area.

Geared with a SPL100 LiDAR sensor and the medium format Leica RCD30 camera in a B200 aircraft, Tracasa entrusted the flight and capture of information to Grup-Air-Med and COWI. With 100 output beams and a total of 6 million measurements per second provided by the SPL100, the team mapped the entirevast area in just a couple of months.

“这种覆盖范围的新颖性是点云密度的增加,这将使我们能够获得广泛的应用。我们获得的平均点密度为每米平方的14点,其精度比平面法的20厘米更好,高度计为15厘米。与中型摄影测量摄像机的关节捕获rgbn图像也使得获得用于颜色颜色云的LiDAR数据的同时图像。“我们对数据感到满意 - 我们拥有所需的点密度,区域规范和准确性。在2011年,我们每米平方得到1分,现在我们每米平方有14分。”said Víctor García Morales, project manager at Tracasa.


Pioneering Single Photon LiDAR in Europe

纳瓦拉(Navarre)与法国与法国接壤,在比利牛斯山脉和埃布罗河之间,覆盖了10,391平方公里的表面。尽管尺寸相对较小,但纳瓦拉(Navarre)还是一个以比利亚山脉(Pyrenean Mountain)山脉为主的多样化地区,高度高于2400 m,与埃布罗谷(Ebro Valley)的平坦冲积平原形成鲜明对比。


在飞行之前,需要考虑许多方面。覆盖纳瓦尔的飞行计划最初提供了200条飞行线。The SPL100 created high-density point clouds penetrating Navarre’s vegetation, ground fog and thin clouds while the 80 MP camera captured RGBN colour information.

“我们花了大约270个小时才能使用以前的技术;使用SPL100,时间减少到170小时,点云的浓度为14倍。通过加强计划,这甚至可以进一步减少,”said García Morales.

When decision making affects wide areas, requires detailed and consistent data, and demands frequent updates at manageable costs, companies should be driven by cost per data point. Single-photon LiDAR systems capture每秒100万个测量宽度为2 km。The SPL100 is ideal to acquire large areas, lowering the cost per acquired data point.



Navarre的SPL100 LIDAR数据已使用HXMAP进行后处理,而Leica MissionPro飞行计划软件启用了3D虚拟地球仪计划环境和传统的2D地图计划视图。HXMAP是该项目中用于生成一个单个接口中所有LIDAR数据产品的主要后处理平台。亚搏彩票手机版下载将单光子激光雷达和HXMAP结合到一个工作流程中,使专家可以生成空气载数据,以适应不同的应用程序,包括:

  • 生产数字地形模型和数字表面模型
  • Update cartography
  • 准备森林管理计划
  • Mapping flood zones and other hydrological applications
  • Support emergency management plans
  • Map powerlines
  • Deliver information to the public
“Aware of the potential LiDAR data had to generate multiple applications, the government has a policy of open data. Companies and universities are downloading the point cloud data to understand fully our environment and generate business,”concluded Zalba Almándoz.


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