

Intergeo 2017

作者:Monica Miller Rodgers

Hexagon Geosystems President Juergen Dold presented通过数字化的转型at INTERGEO, the hub event of the geospatial community, 26 September at the Messe in Berlin.

In his keynote address, he differentiated betweendigitisingand数字化,解释前者如何仅将信息转换为数字格式,而后者正在改变流程以开发连接的生态系统以供将来的合作。使用保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)的歌,You can call me Al,Dold为他的比较奠定了基础,重点是只有两个字母 - AL - 将永远改变行业的运作方式。

Making the most of digital resources

Intergeo 2017



Finally, in one of the most digitalised industries today, the financial sector is using data to become smarter, quicker and more secured in how it moves money. With new technologies, like facial recognition, transactions can occur easily without the need for cash or credit cards.

“Suddenly data is available and people are willing to provide that information to make their lives faster and easier,”dold说。“This transforms how we pay for everything.”

Creating enormous potential

Intergeo 2017

Focusing on cities, he went on to share how Hexagon technologies are helping to digitise cities. Speaking to the barriers of technology where previously one had to have advanced degrees and significant resources, today technology is becoming more inclusive.

“Capturing digital realities used to be an exclusive technology, inaccessible to most and only available to a few at high costs,”dold说。“Today, though, we’re in a rapid evolution of sensor technology to apply it to many areas.”

这些领域之一is smart city planning and management. Providing the foundation for a smart city, he explained how combining the use of laser scanning, ground penetrating radar and mobile mapping technologies are bringing above- and below-ground structures into a digital reality so urban planners, city managers and other professionals can make their cities more efficient and better organised for residents and visitors.

“突然,我们从不同的传感器中融合了这些数据,以获取以前从未有过的街景。”dold说。“We can now understand the assets not only above the street but also below the street. This is a data set that is not only relevant and valuable for one department of a city but multiple departments. You only drive once to create information that is helping many.”

Another areaHexagon is focusing on is the construction industry. This sector could greatly benefit from digitalisation strategies. Considering that global construction productivity has declined with 80 per cent of projects over budget and typically taking 20 per cent longer to finish than scheduled, disitalising construction would translate into significant time and cost savings. Dold went on to explain how Hexagon construction progress documentation and laser scanning technologies are helping bring digitalisation to this industry at all stages.

“Digitalisation touches every phase of a construction project ecosystem from design to plan to construction through execution,”he said.“The successful transformation of this is the digitisation of all key elements so all processes can be connected for collaboration.”


Intergeo 2017

2.5 quintillion (19 digits).

这是创建数据的字节数every day.


“数字化意味着我们如何使其数字化。数字化意味着我们如何转换数据,以便我们可以在协作平台中使用它,”explained Dold.“在六边亚搏苹果app形,我们通过可视化,增强智能并连接新生态系统中的数据来简单地推动这一点。”

Dold went on to predict that 2D won’t even be understood with new generations as everything is becoming 3D. He exemplified this theory with airborne reality capture for a city model of Rio de Janeiro, sharing how people can now digitally explore any city. He also shared how augmented reality is furthering these new tours. Displaying overlaid heat maps on the 3D model of Rio, he showed how public safety officials can do emergency planning for large events, like the Olympics and World Cup held in the city last year.

Living in a sharing economy

Intergeo 2017



“数字化的关键不仅是如何应用新技术……还涉及重新思考生态系统,涉及改变思维方式,”dold说。“I’m convinced we will share data with many disciplines, breaking down the silos to drive affordability and availability so the ecosystem provides benefits to everyone involved. Traditional models of owning data will be a thing of the past, and we will move forward to subscription models where we will benefit from more and fresher data.”

We can if, not we can’t because

Intergeo 2017

To finish his keynote, he challenged the audience to explore what was holding the industry back from fulling embracing digitalisation. Using a reservoir as a visual aid, he described how the technologies and possibilities already exist as the water source, but as the dam holds the water back, so does fear, inflexibility and outlived policies hold back the full potential of digitalisation.

“We need to [set the direction of the industry] with an attitude of ‘we can if’ and not ‘we can’t because,’”concluded Dold.“It is our responsibility as industry leaders to make digitalisation a reality, to extract value from digitalisation, and to create a legacy that is transformational to make the world a better place.”

Juergen Dold -Intergeo电视

Hexagon Geosystems President Juergen Dold speaks with INTERGEO TV about his keynote.

Hexagon Geosystems President Juergen Dold speaks with INTERGEO TV about his keynote.

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