In your words

New additions to the industry’s most trusted point cloud registration platform, in your words

In your words

Leica Cyclone的声誉是成为该行业最值得信赖的Point Cloud注册平台。凭借更智能的注册,协作和可视化,在HXGN Live 2017上最近引入了Cyclone Register 360和Cyclone Cloud,这使人们着迷。

The new additions to the Cyclone Family are aimed to enhance users' experience, making point cloud processing seamless and simple. The improvements to Cyclone are focused on delivering solutions in the segments where our customers operate, enhance the speed of current workflows, and automate processes to make data processing and downstream delivery as simple as possible.

这款领先的3D点云处理软件还受到了社交媒体中世界各地人们的掌声。“ Ultrafast”,“更轻松”,“更简单”,“智能”和“ No More”是用来描述最新左撇子旋风产品的一些词。亚搏彩票手机版下载

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