Enabling rail asset capture quickly and safely

Complete rail asset capture, without disrupting construction in a matter of weeks


PROJECT: Capturing all the infrastructure of the Gotthard Base Tunnel for as built documentation
CUSTOMER: Grunder Ingenieure AG
产品:Leica Pegasus:两个
目的:Grunder Ingenieure AG签订了合同,以提供完整的库存,并作为Gotthard Base隧道的构建文档,而无需破坏正在进行的建筑

Grunder Ingenieure AG was contracted to deliver a complete inventory and as built documentation of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. Using Leica Pegasus:Two they were able to efficiently capture the entire project in only a few weeks, without disrupting the ongoing construction, benefiting all working stakeholders. The company selected the Leica Pegasus:Two to capture infrastructure of the new built open tracks safely and efficiently enabling engineers to work with the most accurate representation available.

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当Gotthard Base隧道于2016年6月作为通过阿尔卑斯山(NRLA)的新铁路链接的一部分正式开放时,建筑项目20年以上的时间为98亿瑞士法郎,生产了世界上最长,最深层的交通隧道。该隧道长57公里,岩石覆盖量为2300米,增加了整个瑞士阿尔卑斯山的总运输能力,同时将北欧和南欧之间的乘客旅行时间减少了一小时。该路线的梯度最小和宽阔的曲线,在海拔550 m的情况下,这条路线也是一个平坦的低级旅程。整个隧道系统总计152公里,再加上近50公里的新内置室外轨道。

当瑞士领先的工程公司Grunder Ingenieure AG专门从事铁路调查,Leica Geosystems Solutions的长期使用者被Alptransit Gotthard AG分包时,该公司知道这将是一项具有挑战性的任务,但对于历史书籍而言。在轨道打开测试操作之前,主要任务之一是捕获隧道的所有基础架构以供拟建文档。

"There are several stakeholders working on the overall project, and we were tasked with registering the entire infrastructure to collect for the infrastructure database of the Swiss Federal Railways. All these users can now access this information," said Gilbert Roulier, Grunder’s director of imagining, laser scanning and mobile mapping. "Entering the under-construction tunnel and outdoor tracks also presented organising challenges that we needed to account for with our engineers and surveying instruments."

该公司选择了Leica Pegasus:两个用于安全有效地捕获新内置开放式轨道的整个基础架构。结合Leica Geosystems总站,Grunder能够提供一个完整的亚博5分钟快三数据库,其中包括3D图像和点云,涵盖了导轨,标牌,柱子,电气线以及进一步的安装和结构元素。

Download the full case study for more information


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Want to learn more about the Gotthard Base Tunnel project by Grunder Ingenieure AG? Download the full case study.

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