



哈佛体育场(Harvard Stadium)于1904年完成,于1987年获得了国家历史地标地位。这是许多以U形斗兽场风格建造的大学橄榄球体育场中的第一个,也是第一个在如此规模上使用钢筋铸造混凝土的建筑。正如预期的是,对于拥有开创性建筑技术的100多年建筑物,持续的腐蚀要持续存在,因此,由此产生的维护成本很高。其所有者哈佛大学需要对维护预算做出年度决定。2018年哈佛大学结构工程公司西尔曼for advice. To help guide Harvard to make appropriate decisions on the life-safety of the stadium, Silman developed a customised material testing and monitoring strategy. This included Leica Geosystems total stations and software, which collects real-time data about the building’s performance to inform recommendations about the landmark’s future.



哈佛体育场在文化和建筑上都是重要的。体育场的尺寸甚至是美式足球发展的一个因素。1906年,一个学院委员会开会的是制定规则,以使早期比赛更安全,一个建议是使球场更广泛。然而,哈佛体育场最近完成了,无法扩大。因此,该提议被拒绝,以允许前进。体育场是一个具有里程碑意义的建筑,是使用钢筋结构混凝土的第一个垂直混凝土结构。哈佛土木工程教授刘易斯·杰罗姆·约翰逊(Lewis Jerome Johnson)是当时负责创新的工程师。

The Stadium is much loved and much visited. Yet, if left unattended, it can become an expensive building to maintain and keep safe. Justin Den Herder, Associate at Silman, explains, “because of the nascency of this construction technology, there were significant concerns that were not known by the engineers or contractors at the time; such as the need for expansion joints, lack of appropriate re-bar detailing, dowels and ties between structural elements or insufficient concrete cover, and even the chemical make-up of the concrete itself was found to be problematic. All of these issues contributed significantly to the rate and level of deterioration.”

Monitoring the historic Harvard stadium: Leica Geosystems AG and Robert Silman Associates Structural Engineers

Data-driven approach to maintenance decisions

哈佛大学每年都需要平衡地标的价值与维修成本。监视项目的目的是采用其他数据驱动的决策方法。丹·赫德(Den Herder)说:“我们的角色基本上是通过材料和电化学测试以及实时光学和振动监控的结合来获取更多信息,以更好地了解建筑物的季节性行为,因此帮助哈佛对未来做出了更明智的决定体育场。”

西尔曼worked with partner岩土仪器to devise the monitoring system. It included crack monitors, tilt monitors, a weather station and fiveLeica Nova TM50总亚博5分钟快三站Leica Geomos显示器用于数据获取和处理,Leica Geomos调整for the network adjustment andLeica GeoMoS Now!for data visualisation and analysis. Den Herder explains, “We wanted to monitor the building almost in real-time to understand how it was expanding or contracting under different meteorological conditions and different loading conditions. Scott Kavalek, Geotech Instruments, chose Leica Geosystems instruments with imaging functionality and “helped us define the points that we wanted to monitor to achieve that.”


使用Microsoft产品通过岩土仪器处理裂纹和倾斜监测器的数据。亚搏彩票手机版下载相反,来自总站和天气数据的光学监视数据是通过Leica软件处理的。亚博5分钟快三Silman现在使用Leica Geomos!将数据分类为感兴趣的时间段,以查看体育场地区如何移动。该软件生成的图表被导出为易于阅读的报告,要与哈佛大学讨论。比较不同的监视组件使团队详细了解了建筑物的脆弱性。丹·赫德(Den Herder)说:“从光学监视结果解释地理系统数据的有用是,我们能够查明与建筑物其余部分相对于建筑物的移动更多的热点或建筑物的移动。”建筑物移动最多的区域可以与更多的裂缝和腐蚀相关联

Monitoring the historic Harvard stadium: Leica Geosystems AG and Robert Silman Associates Structural Engineers


Based on the data, the Silman team can predict and explain cracks and suggest where repairs will have the most significant impact. “We are able to determine where the building is moving most and predict where repairs or joints would be needed. For example, at the upper level of the stadium, there is three-quarters of an inch of movement horizontally relative to the floor directly below that. That pretty much always corresponds to cracking and spalling and deterioration of the building because water can get into those cracks and start to corrode and deteriorate materials.”

国家历史地标的管理是一个具有挑战性的角色。体育场的粉丝希望它能持续到其古罗马灵感。然而,建造一座100年历史的建筑符合现代安全标准的成本很高。一个需要理由的人。正如Silman的Den Herder所说:“我们很乐意找到一种方法来确保体育场能够保持有用和安全地占领,这就是我们的目标。但是最终,我们只想提供硬数据并从正确的信息中得出适当的结论。”




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