Webinar: Utilising point cloud data to support the efficient execution of industrial surveying projects

This webinar has already taken place. Watch the recording below.

捕捉和记录as-built design, is the first challenge in any plant design project. The next is how to utilise the information effectively to design modifications to the plant. Projects need to be executed efficiently and accurately if problems are to be avoided during pre-fabrication and construction so that plant downtime is minimised.

Rather than use traditional error-prone and time-consuming manual methods, laser scanning is employed to capture reality in the form of a high-quality, high-accuracy point cloud data enabling a virtual representation of the plant which can be visualised on a designer’s desktop. Here it can be used to create a 3D as-built model of the plant, providing an accurate reference needed to support completion of new design work.

观看本网络研讨会,以发现Leica Geosystems的激光扫描软件解决方案和Hexagon PPM的Cadworx Plant Professional Software Sol亚搏苹果apputions如何共同使用来支持工业设计项目的有效执行。了解如何快速开发基于规格的植物设计模型,并轻松地从点云中产生制造和构造可交付成果。

The webinar took place on 6th November 2019. To register watch the recording, please click the below button.

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