Leica Infinity和Leica Cyclone产品家族之间的数字互操作性

Leica MS60 MultiStation, GS18 I and any UAV data can be published directly as an LGS file and to JetStream Enterprise

Leica Geosystems的后处理办公软件正在不断发展,并根据市场需求进行持续改进。我们大量投资于硬件和软件投资组合,以确保我们的产品无缝地工作并利用智能自动化,以便客户在从捕获到向客户交付的旅途中的每一步都有生产力。亚搏彩票手机版下载我们的激光扫描软件投资组合最近看到了巨大的创新,从而提高了其效率和用户生产率。一些一流的功能正在集成到其他测量软件中,例如Leica Infinity,以支持客户需求和市场需求。

Leica Infinity is a user-friendly geospatial office software suite, designed for the measurement professional. The office software suite is designed to manage, process, analyse and quality check all field survey measure data captured by
亚博5分钟快三,,,,digital levels,,,,GNSS和无人驾驶汽车(UAV)。无论是测量新的调查项目还是为建筑布局工作准备数据,Infinity都支持您的工作流程。

With Infinity release (v3.5.0), users can easily publish point cloud data captured from a
MultiStation,,,,a UAV and the newly releasedGS18 I GNSS RTK ROVER除了将点云发布到Leica GeoSystems的Jetstream Enterprise Server产品外,直接到LGS文件(由Jetstream Technology提供动力)。

通过将所有生成的点云数据发布到Jetstream或LGS文件中,用户现在可以在所有Leica GeoSystems真人秀中普遍访问该数据,例如亚博ag真人规律亚搏彩票手机版下载
Cyclone REGISTERorCyclone 3DR,,,,Cloudworx,Jetstream观看器和truview。它节省了大量时间,因为他们可以以这种普遍访问的格式发布,而不必根据数据的目的地转换文件。与某些行业标准格式不同,LGS文件和Jetstream项目具有支持其所有项目数据在内的所有项目数据等的额外好处,因此他们不必为连接性而牺牲完整性。

LGS files are Leica Geosystems’ Universal Digital Reality project file, and are an extremely flexible format.
这些LGS文件由Jetstream技术提供动力,使用户可以立即访问其所有项目数据,包括点,图像和补充信息(地理标签,元数据等),无需进口和加载时间,包括整个真人秀捕获工具链,包括Cyclone 3DR,包括Cyclone 3DR,亚博ag真人规律CloudWorx和Jetstream观看器。

使用LGS文件,可以在Jetstream观看器中加载Infinity数据,用户可以在其中拍摄快照,创建标记并记录直播,以与其他项目利益相关者进行交流和协作。另外,使用Jetstream 2020.1及更高版本,用户可以直接在LGS文件中加载IFC和OBJ模型,以支持上下文中模型的快速可视化。在这些情况下,航空数据提供了重要的环境,可以在太大的区域中填补站点的周围环境,无法扫描地面或建模。

LGS files are also compatible with Leica CloudWorx plugins for common design packages from Autodesk, Bentley, Hexagon PPM and others to support drawing, analysis or modelling directly from your reality capture data. LGS files and JetStream projects are a perfect pairing with CloudWorx as they support not only points but project imagery, GeoTags and Snapshots or Markups created in
旋风场360,,,,the Cyclone REGISTER family and JetStream Viewer. By leveraging this additional project data during the modelling or CAD drawing process, users can reference site conditions and notes from data capture and processing teams to provide invaluable context that can get lost when working with point data divorced from imagery, thus reducing errors and rework.

LGS文件提供了从Infinity到CloudWorx和Cyclone 3DR的更无缝路径,用于提取数字地形模型(DTM),追踪建筑足迹或提取路缘。

Alternatively, by publishing data from Infinity directly to a JetStream Enterprise server, multiple users can have immediate access to the captured data to leverage the powerful collaboration of JetStream enabled applications. By publishing to JetStream, multiple users can access the same data at the same time ensuring that all project data remains synced without confusing and unnecessary duplication. JetStream simplifies project collaboration across the office or across the world without needing to copy gigabytes of data to each workstation.

随着LGS和Jetstream Publishing的添加,Infinity在端到端的“现场到截止”工作流程中正成为更紧密的一步。

For more information, please

Eric Richie
Product Manager

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