Exploring the rate of climate change from deep within the Earth

作者:凯瑟琳·雷穆勒(Katherine Lehmuller),十月2016

美丽而雄伟 - 白云岩。他们被联合国联合国教科文组织司​​公司(United Nation's Consco)部门保护为遗产,并被宣布为世界上最美丽的山脉之一,他们仍然在南蒂罗尔(South Tyrolean)的粉丝狂热者赛(South Tyrolean Fanes-Senes-Braies)公园中拥有未开发的珍宝。由La Venta赞助的正在进行的项目“冰川内部”探讨了位于扇形公园内意大利阿尔卑斯山最大的深渊之一的内部室的细节。该团队使用Leica Geosystems Laser Scanner和Leica Cyclone软件来获取细节。

有科学探索团队,然后是真正敬业的探索团队。后者是人们可以描述位于意大利特雷维索的La Venta Esplorazoni Geografiche的关联。La Venta团队由地质学家Francesco Sauro领导,他最近被《时代》杂志选为下一代领导者之一,并组织了各种地理和环境勘探项目,例如“冰川内部”。拉文塔(La Venta)的目标是在当地和全球范围内提高对地球自然奇观的认识,以保护这些未知的宝藏。

在25000公顷Fanes-Senes-Braies公园lie the Conturines, a mountain located in the heart of the Dolomites. Deep within this mountain, high above sea level at 3,000 metres, is the Abyss of Cenote.


Because the cave's entrance lies at over 3,000 metres, weather conditions present difficulties and attempts to explore the abyss have failed. Finally, after two decades, the team, equipped with a Leica Geosystems laser scanner and Leica Cyclone software, could document the inner most chamber.

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Story: Exploring the rate of climate change from deep within the Earth
第2章:Part 2

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