

Author:温迪·里昂(Wendy Lyons)

When your crime scene is situated in the middle of a busy intersection in one of metro Los Angeles’ most densely populated cities in the United States, you need to get what you need and get out.“It can get pretty dicey out there,”圣安娜警察局碰撞调查部门的调查员韦斯顿·哈德利(Weston Hadley)说。


Today, the Santa Ana Police Department is mapping at record speeds thanks to a technology lease that made it possible to upgrade to the latest state-of-the-art reality capture solution. Their brand-newLeica RTC360laser scanner is capturing the全部的场景 - 数十亿个高度准确的数据点 -少于30分钟。新的激光扫描仪还会自动预注册点云数据,这使其易于使用并节省了更多的时间。

“It's such a significant increase in our efficiency,”哈德利说。And with fatal collisions occurring on a regular basis, efficiency is important.“这只是在圣安娜的这里没有辞职。”哈德利说。“自12月底以来,我们已经拥有Leica RTC360,[截至2019年6月]我们已经绘制了12个Thcollision scene.”

Hadley says the RTC360 was an obvious choice. After seeing it in action, it’s also become apparent that the fast, agile and precise 3D reality capture solution is paying off in more ways than one.“我们立即看到了它如何收集数据和速度的价值,”哈德利说。“但是,节省成本和利益在很多方面都超出了这一点。”



使用RTC360映射an entire scene in less than 30 minutes, that strain on personnel has been alleviated.“ RTC360为社区提供了更好的服务,因为我们可以将资源比阻止道路更好地利用。”他说。


The RTC360 minimises the impact road closures have on the commuting public.“I remember a scene we had several years ago. It was a terrible crash at one of the busiest intersections, and we had it shut down all the way through rush hour. We had tens of thousands of people who couldn't get through the intersection, that were late for work, that didn't get their kids to school on time,”他说。“That simply won't happen anymore.”





“Sometimes, we get distracted or it's just such a big complicated scene that we can just overlook one piece of evidence,”哈德利说。He remembers one case where, after returning to the office, Hadley discovered the theodolite had malfunctioned.“这是一个有先验的遗传性致命DUI,所以这个家伙正在看谋杀罪。”他解释说。“We had to go out two more times and re-setup right where I initially placed the device.”

第一次,他将真主党放置在收集所有数据的最有效位置。“当我不得不回去并尝试关闭车道时,这不是最有效的。真的很糟糕,”他说。“That was a real pain.”有了RTC360,Hadley现在可以在现场仅几分钟后走开,认为扫描仪以毫米精度捕获了所有东西。“而且我敢肯定,我不会回到碰撞场景的任何旅行。”他说。


RTC360及其同伴场景重建软件授权陪审员做出更好的明智决定。以前,将真主党绘制的证据作为二维插图提交了法院。但是,通过将数百万个具有高动态范围(HDR)摄影的数据点以及地理标记的照片和笔记,RTC360提供了沉浸式360度,3D体验。And the data is admissible as scientific evidence.

“现在,我们真的可以将某人带入现场,因为那天我们看到的是,二维图纸永远无法在任何地方接近。”哈德利说。“您可以谈论两辆汽车在每小时40英里(64公里)。In concept, they really don't know what it looks like when a violent collision occurs—the crushed vehicles, the debris field—it can be overwhelming.”

When their laser scanned cases reach court, jurors will no longer have to draw on their imaginations. “I think that it'll have a bigger impact when they can see with their own eyes what we saw—the violence of what occurred and the energy and all of those things,” he says.



它还可能破坏识别私人专家提出的不准确性或错误表征的能力。“如果我们不知道当前技术的局限性或细微差别,这可能会使我们处于劣势。”他说。“If we’re using current technology, at least gives us a starting point to say, ‘That is right’ or ‘That doesn't look right.’ Whereas if we don't have any experience in that technology, we basically can't say anything. Whatever they say is.”用RTC360记录场景使代理商处于映射技术的最前沿并坚持其在法庭上的信誉。


多亏了他们的新RTC360,碰撞调查部门已缩小了技术差距。今天,圣安娜警察局现在处于激光扫描技术的前沿,并以创纪录的速度绘制。“ Leica RTC360使我们在许多方面都更加有效,”哈德利说。“我认为,如果您真的回去看众所周知的森林,那就去,‘哇!我们为什么很长一段时间没有这样做?'”

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