Moving London safely forward

Paddington Station – famous worldwide not only for its creator Isambard Kingdom Brunel but also for a small marmalade loving bear. An average of 26,500 passengers travel from Paddingtion station every day. Despite its Victorian elegance and regality, plans were developed to build a brand new underground station directly beneath the historic landmark. This infrastructure project has been undertaken by Crossrail and forms part of Europe’s largest construction project. The new station will be known as the Crossrail Paddington Station.

自2011年7月以来,Crossrail制定了计划,以完成伦敦的新地下网络。2011年8月,Costrail Skanska代表Crossrail Limited担任合资企业,被授予Crossrail合同405,以完成该综合体14.8亿英镑的铁路项目。该项目正在建立一条主要的新铁路线,从雷丁和希思罗机场到伦敦西部,再到东部的修道院伍德,延伸了118公里(约73英里)。它也将直接通过伦敦市中心下方。新网络现在将连接七个全新的主线地下电台,所有这些站点都是现有网络铁路服务与伦敦地下之间的重要交互。这些新电台之一是Crossrail Paddington站。

Meticulous planning to monitor structures above and below
Working directly under the very heart of London has many challenges. The city is home to over eight million people and its underground handles a billion journey’s per year. The new Crossrail station at Paddington is surrounded not only by modern buildings but by historic ones as well. It is also located in the densely built-up zone of central London with its maze of pipes, cables and sewers, making it an extremely complicated construction project. Since London is considered a global city, it had to work without disruption, even for a project of this magnitude. Therefore, the Crossrail station is being built as a four-storey top down construction, with two-way live traffic above ground as excavation carries on below.

随着所有这些挖掘,伦敦中部松散的污垢可能会不均匀地定居,并可能导致结构倾斜或严重的裂纹。不断监测该地区的建筑物对于避免可能的损害至关重要,这就是Leica Geosystems产品和解决方案在通过监测结构和地球沉降程度来确保这条新铁路线的成功方面发挥重要作用。亚搏彩票手机版下载

Costain-Skanska decided to implement real-time monitoring solutions by using 52 Leica TM30’s, especially for monitoring designed total stations, and over 1,800 monitoring prisms of all types in and around the Paddington area. The equipment was attached to various key positions on the outside of buildings. Highly accurate 3D data is collected from the total stations that measure key reference points of the various prisms placed strategically throughout the area’s buildings. These measurements, roughly 8,500 points a day, are made in daily cycles. At the recent phase of the project which was called “the bulk dig”, the data capture for the majority of the area’s total stations takes place at six hour intervals each day, after which the data is sent to be processed with Leica GeoMoS, which sends the results to the web portal before they are distributed to the construction team. The use of Leica Geosystems monitoring sensors, software and communications is vital to the Crossrail project, as these accurate measurements provide information on any variations in structures caused by earth movement and minimise risks, not only to the buildings themselves, but also to public safety.

这样的项目需要持续观察,重复测量整个项目的寿命每天几次几次相同的路线和参考点。通过使用机器人总站,可以自动完成此亚博5分钟快三类活动,并直接传输数据,用于使用Leica Geomos,Geomos调整和GeoOffice软件进行处理。

三个相互联系的服务器用于在Crossrail施工站点运行Leica Geosystems软件程序。该软件用于检测和分析站点上方和下方的建筑物的地面移动以及建筑物的变形,还有助于加快和简化总站收集的实时数据的处理,最多可达90%亚博5分钟快三可以从现场迅速发行。这个新的Crossrail站的软件解决方案完全来自Leica Geosystems,并且是世界上任何地方的最大类型。据报道
“The software systems have to be very prescriptive and procedural to control the quality and repeatability of the project, yet also allow for dynamic change in the environment and construction phase changes. Our operation runs non-stop, we manage the software system to minimise and repair any faults that might occur. Both software systems log a phenomenal amount of data which correlates with an astonishing degree of accuracy and precision.”

Leica Geomos软件解决方案是一个用于数据生成的全自动系统。它使用统计分析提供自动处理和评估,并使用易于理解的图表将新数据与原始基本模型进行比较。该软件还不断更新变形分析和网络调整,并使用44至49 *总站收到的大量实时数据进行调整,从而使高度准确的数据很快。亚博5分钟快三

When the data is processed, it is additionally optimised by network adjustment software for co-ordinated geometry, topography and accuracy. Should any of the data not be within a ± 10 mm sphere of the previously collected data (generally not older that approx. six hours), it is considered incorrect. The engineering surveyors overseeing the operation evaluate and compare the data with deviations to the predefined data parameters and quickly decide if measures need to be taken.


专门的全天候操作和维护团队积极维护整个Crossrail项目的Leica Geomos软件解决方案,并清洁并维护42至49个总站和1,800多个棱镜。亚博5分钟快三总站需要亚博5分钟快三六人运行,再加上该领域五人的额外兼职人员。所有涉及的总站均在米尔顿·亚博5分钟快三凯恩斯的Leica Geosystems服务中心提供服务和维护。

“ Crossrail的座右铭是'向伦敦前进'。在我们的工程测量团队中,他们运行精确的级别计划和最大的Leica Geosystems在全球统一调整了总站计划,我们采用了一个补充座右铭,因为我们必须取得成功进行“移动测量以进行监视前进”。然而,如果没有Leica Geosystems及其供应链合作伙伴的持续支持,以上都是不可能的。

由Natalie Binder撰写



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