


作者:Arne Forsell


“I think this is the best machine control system for soil compactors that is available today. We use it for almost all of our soil compactors, and we are very familiar with the solution. The Leica iCON compaction solution contains all the functions that we need,”says Fredrik Larsson, chief surveyor at PEAB.

Larsson leans back into the seat of the chair and looks at the workers’ meeting room. He contemplates the printed construction plans that are taped up on the wall. A green line runs as a worm from one plan to another. It shows the project that Larsson has been working on for several years and that he and his colleagues expect to complete around Christmas 2020. The project is the construction of the E22 highway, Sätaröd-Vä.

Everything is managed and controlled from here: the construction of a 16-kilometre-long double-tracked highway through fertile farmland in the southeast region of Sweden crossed by 26 different bridges and bordered by numerous stone fences that are removed and placed back again during the construction phase. The project involves extensive environmental considerations such as fragile surface watercourses that the project must protect during the construction process.


You could call this project“在刀的边缘上工作,因为它包含许多潜力,但也可能引起许多涉及的负责人的紧张汗水,”explains Larsson.

In his home in Hässleholm, located a 45 minutes’ drive away, he enjoys spending time with his family. If there is any free time left, he runs his mountain bike in the surrounding forests together with his friends from the cycling club.“我曾经经常运行很多我小时候骑自行车旅行。”says Larsson, “but one day my knees put an end to that, and I have taken up cycling and mainly mountain biking since then.”对于从事大型重型建筑项目的人来说,这是一个很好的爱好。

在Highway Project E22的这一部分中,Larsson担任首席测量师,这项工作需要大量的检查和数据分析。但是拉尔森对他的工作充满信心,原因之一是因为他得到了Leica Icon土壤压实解决方案的支持。

Just as important as the heartbeat is for a human body, so is the compaction of the filling material in a construction project, it is essential. To have the complete insight into the various stages of the project and all the layers from the terrace and upwards, to see all the values and work with the data in real-time is of great importance, and Larsson can rely on the solution. He and his employees have tested several machine control solutions for compaction. Still, he knew that he had found the right solution when he was presented with the solution from Leica Geosystems, and he experienced that his ideas and requirements on how to fine-tune the solution were being heard.

“通过图标土壤压实,我可以完全控制自己的工作。很容易处理它。我们的任何人都可以与解决方案一起工作,并轻松监督the workflows and find the weak spots in the compaction. All the values and data are registered by the soil compactor’s Compaction Meter Value Sensor and transmitted wirelessly. Everybody involved in the project can monitor the workflow in detail from their电脑,”拉尔森说。

Project E22 is the largest highway construction project since the construction of the bypass road around Malmö was completed in 2000. The budget for the project was around 67,000 million Euro, and for Larsson and his colleagues, it has involved earthmoving of 1 million cubic meters of material. A project of this scale requires the right technical equipment, and the chief surveyor on Project E22 has found it.


“看着at the results of using the solution,不难理解这对时间和成本节省的意义,”拉尔森说。


机器操作员爱迪斯·马兹洛维奇(Edis Mazlovic)坐在振动土壤压缩机上,这是12吨Dynapac CA 3500D,这要归功于他的挡风玻璃右侧的清晰清晰的MCP80面板,因此可以完全控制其工作。他可以监视他所做的通行证,如何在机器下压实土壤,以及如何避免过度或不压实。Mazlovic可以在过程的早期检测到弱点,并确保压实工作尽可能高效。数据被实时连续传输到拉尔森接收的办公室。

“It was easy to get to learn the system,”马兹洛维奇说。“我只使用土壤压实剂几个月,但是该计划没有任何问题。从一开始就很容易。”


高效,准确,易于使用以及成本效益。这些是Leica Icon土壤压实解决方案的关键词,这就是Peab的首席测量师找到他最喜欢的解决方案,并且敢于说:“该解决方案是市场上最好的!”

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