

Leica Caintivate Field软件是为知道如何突破边界的测量师设计的。功能范围从简单到复杂,可以用Caintivate掌握的应用程序没有限制。通过沉浸式3D渲染和易于使用的触摸技术,即使是最复杂的项目也很容易被征服。云连接可确保直接访问设计和测量数据,以方便且安全的现场对办公室通信。


Leica Captivate Field Software是一项未来的投资。从...开始亚博5分钟快三andGNSS, your company can grow into scanning with theMS60多站using the sameCaptivate field softwareand dataflow into theLeica Infinity Office软件. With full support of surveying, mapping and Building Information Modelling (BIM) formats, Captivate ensures that there will be no limits to growing your business into new areas.

Read how four different surveying companies have reduced unnecessary costs and delays by leveraging the benefits of Captivate.


降低培训成本,并使用使用Leica Caintivate Field软件标准化的所有设备具有更灵活的设备和人员部署。借助现场设计模型的沉浸式3D渲染以及具有易于使用的触摸技术的熟悉应用程序,Captivate可确保该领域的最大生产率。这Leica CS20controller and theLeica CS30andCS35平板电脑安装了Caintivate,在旅途中提供了愉快的体验。使用云连接性,轻松,安全地将设计数据传输到现场,并直接从Captivate内部传输到办公室。

Check out our guide on what to look for when selecting a surveying field software.

Find the right field companion

这current selection of surveying controllers all run our field surveying software Leica Captivate. Whether you work with GNSS, total stations or both, you can use the same familiar software without changing workflows or dataflows. Deploy the best total station or GNSS for the job with the right field companion. Use our easy comparison chart to view our range of field tablets and controllers and easily select which suits your needs best. Download the comparison chart and decide for yourself.

Field software tailored for all applications

Leica Captivate Field软件提供了完成所有字段任务所需的功能。通过基本功能和自定义应用程序,Captivate包括直觉应用程序,以掌握所有挑战。通过大量的在线培训资产,学​​习新功能只有一键单击。如果在现场需要帮助,支持工程师可以直接连接到Caintivate,以确保快速恢复全部生产力。

发现Leica Caintivate Field软件,立即请求演示,并亲自查看优势。


只有Leica Geosystems拥有200年的帮助测量师的经验。找出我们如何通过高级质量测量和定位解决方案和服务来为您提供支持。
只有Leica Geosystems拥有200年的帮助测量师的经验。找出我们如何通过高级质量测量和定位解决方案和服务来为您提供支持。

Grow your business

Discover how embracing digitalisation with technologies and processes can support your business to create new opportunities, stay competitive and improve productivity.
Discover how embracing digitalisation with technologies and processes can support your business to create new opportunities, stay competitive and improve productivity.

Surveying solutions


Improve your skills

Learn the skills to be more efficient and react to business opportunities. Unlock your potential to offer better, faster and more specialised services to your clients.
Learn the skills to be more efficient and react to business opportunities. Unlock your potential to offer better, faster and more specialised services to your clients.