汤米·布赫(Tommy Buch) - 六星级终结者

Leica Geosystems机器控制部的原始设备制造商(OEM)商业经理

Hexagon Geosystems is shaping smart change driven by people working to close the gap between what is and what should be.

To recognise the faces of smart change, we interviewed Tommy Buch, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Commercial manager for Leica Geosystems Machine Control Division, to share with us his work-life balance, career insights and his experience as a Six Star marathon finisher.

您在Leica Geosystems以及与公司合作的时间多长时间?
I'm the OEM Commercial manager and part of the Machine Control divisional management team. I started in this role at Leica Geosystems about three and a half years ago. My role is to coordinate all main activities with various OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) globally and to ensure our solutions are sold directly to OEMs.


如何Leica Geosystems helped you in career development?
Working for Leica Geosystems, as part of Hexagon, has an international and global focus. This has helped me to better understand different cultures and to use differentiated working methods to get things moving. Furthermore, it has been very interesting for me to learn about topics like digital terrain models, data management, software and firmware, telematics, sensors, and GNSS technology among others.

您最喜欢在Leica Geosystems工作吗?
The OEM business is a challenging business where customers typically are bigger global players. Due to this, it is important for me to have a good relationship with our global selling units.

It is a pleasure to work with engaged and knowledgeable colleagues who are working hard to sell our solutions. It is rewarding to see how much knowledge we have within our organisation, both within our business unit but also in our selling units.

您如何平衡在Leica Geosystems,您的个人生活和马拉松培训的职业生涯?
诚然,这并不总是那么容易。我一直在旅行,花很多时间参加飞机,机场和客户会议。但是,我总是带上跑步鞋 - 这只是一个决定在清晨进行早期跑步的问题,以便能够将业务与马拉松培训相结合。


When I started running marathons, I didn’t have on my mind becoming a Six Star Finisher. Then, after running the New York Marathon among 45,000 runners and 2 million spectators in 2008, I decided to run all major marathons. I ran Berlin in 2009, London in 2013, and Boston and Chicago in 2014. All of these marathons were special and fantastic experiences for me.

我认为芝加哥马拉松比赛将是我的最后一次马拉松比赛。然而,在未来几年中,我无法停止思考东京马拉松。最终,在2月26日,我和40,000名跑步者一起在东京进行了第15场和最后一次马拉松比赛。人群很棒,带有Leica Geosystems徽标的奔跑意味着人群大喊“ Leica,Leica,Leica”。


In my role, perseverance is key. Working with OEMs typical has longer time perspective than selling to an end customer. Projects can be normally three to four years ahead. Like running a marathon, you have to start taking one step and then one more. In the end, you have taken 42,195 steps, which in my case is a marathon distance. You can meet the wall several times, but problems are also opportunities - issues can be solved working with highly skilled people and end up in solutions you could not imagine at the beginning.

Success is all about planning. In a marathon, success is individual. It is up to me to plan my pace from the first kilometre and secure what, and how much, to eat and drink before and during the race. Success in business is different, it requires much more teamwork and to use each other’s strengths and skills to create synergies. If we do this right, this is success for me.


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