
Gotthard Base Tunnel, world’s longest and deepest rail tunnel, benefits from Leica Geosystems measurement technology

Drilling a 57-kilometre long tunnel starting from both sides of the mountain and meeting in the middle with barely any deviation was a truly challenging task. Highly precise measuring instruments were needed to successfully accomplish the project.

Measuring down to millimetre accuracy
在隧道现场,测量联盟VI-GBT于1996年开始测量20年前的建筑工作。测量工程师建立了一个具有20个参考点的基本网络。为此,他们使用了来自Leica Geosystem亚博5分钟快三s的总站,光学测量设备,GPS或GPS或卫星导航解决方案,Leica Geosystems是一家具有瑞士根源和近200年传统的全球公司。

钻井不仅始于埃斯特菲尔德(North Portal)和Bodio(南门户网站),而且还在三个中介点,侧通道加入了主隧道:Amsteg,Sedrun和Faido。在Sedrun(高1,405 m)中,将800 m长的垂直隧道向下钻到主隧道,以便建筑工人可以从那时向北和向北推。

在隧道施工期间,必须每400米(437.4码)重复测量和测量任务。为了确保隧道准确地符合过程,测量师必须检查参考点的坐标。此外,还必须使用级别的设备(也是从Leica Geosystems)测量的确切高度。

Ivo Schaetti说:“当我们在2010年10月15日在隧道中间闯入隧道中间时,这两个隧道截面只有8厘米或3.1英寸的偏差,而25厘米或9.8英寸的偏差将被容忍。”VI-GBT的测量工程师。他解释说,由于温度变化,湿度和灰尘,对隧道进行测量非常要求。Schaetti补充说:“值得庆幸的是,我们总是可以依靠Leica Geosystems的测量解决方案的准确性。”“它们非常精确。您可以测量400米的距离,精度小于毫米或0.03英寸。”

During the entire construction period, the surroundings of three artificial lakes above the tunnel required monitoring: Curnera, Nalps and St. Maria. There was a slight probability that the construction of the tunnel – 1.4 kilometres underneath the lakes – would affect the stability of their dams. This monitoring was also done with instruments of Leica Geosystems. The fully automated devices monitored the dams throughout the entire tunnel construction from 2000 until 2015.

“Our total stations monitored the tiniest movement of the prisms that were mounted near the dams,” says Falko Henning, Leica Geosystems product manager. “Happily, no unusual movements occurred.” There was no major delay during construction time, and the tunnel will be inaugurated as planned.

Leica Geosystems在瑞士拥有悠久的历史。从Kern&Company的起源于1819年在Aarau成立,如今,该测量技术的行业领导者在全球范围内为许多细分市场提供服务,包括工程,建筑和采矿。

“Looking back on a tradition of nearly 200 years, we’re honoured to once again take part in a significant milestone in Swiss history by providing the surveying and monitoring resources to successfully open the Gotthard Base Tunnel,” said Juergen Dold, Leica Geosystems CEO. “With a commitment to Swiss quality and a global outlook, we will continue to innovate and support professionals around the world achieving feats of engineering like this tunnel.”



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Paikanna Leica Geosystemsin yhteyshenkilö myynti-, tuki- ja teknistä palvelua varten.
Paikanna Leica Geosystemsin yhteyshenkilö myynti-, tuki- ja teknistä palvelua varten.