狮子旋风3DR - All-in-one Deliverable Solution

Professional results in a fraction of the time


Leica Cyclone 3DR是无缝的扩展气旋产品家族与之合作,将用户从现场数据收集中收集旋风场360气旋FIELDWORX通过注册气旋REGISTER 360并在Cyclone 3DR中可交付的创造。

Cyclone 3DR融合了用于集中式全尺寸点云管理的Jetstream技术,并使用自动点云分析和建模为一个简单的基于工作流的软件,并使用量身定制的测量,施工和检查领域的工具。在大多数软件将专注于单个工作流程以创建专用可交付的情况下,Cyclone 3DR包括一系列可用于检查,建模和网络的适应性工具,可以利用这些工具来创建各种3D可交付成果和报告。

Based upon the simple design of the next-generation Cyclone family, Cyclone 3DR allows both new and experienced users to move from import through analysis and publishing intuitively and simply. By automating common tasks, customers can reduce unexpected project delays and quickly deliver actionable information to clients.

旋风3DR触摸模式带来的力量风暴3博士进入该领域support rapid deliverable creation and on-the-spot decision making. Conduct key inspection workflows with a touch-friendly interface from data captured and delivered in real-time from Cyclone FIELDWORX or industry-standard formats. Real-time analysis allows users to make informed decisions immediately as data becomes available, saving your business time and money and reducing in-office processing. Touch Mode is an expansion of the capabilities of your existing licence.

The Cyclone 3DR Free Viewer is a companion to Cyclone 3DR which allows users to scale their productivity and offer additional users access to key visualisation and simple analysis tools within Cyclone 3DR. The Free Viewer is perfect for users who need to view and make simple checks of data without consuming a full licence.

Cyclone 3DR免费观看者支持:

  • 导入点云,3D网眼,polylines和CAD/BIM文件
  • Visualise these elements with the different camera modes of Cyclone family software
  • 3D measurements and creating labels
  • Apply and edit colour gradient on a model through the “Analysis along direction” feature
  • Import, view and edit any 3D-inspections between two objects performed in Cyclone 3DR (and 3DReshaper)

Download Cyclone 3DR Free Viewer


  • Sensor agnostic projects powered by JetStream or industry-standard exchange formats
  • 触摸模式workflows bring the power of Cyclone 3DR to the field
  • Fast, light and flexible meshing tools
  • Inspection and measurement for design-in-context
  • Domain-centric workflows for AEC, Survey and Tank Inspection, such as Scan-to-Plan, Clash Analysis, Building Extractor, Cross Section Analysis and more
  • Advanced customisation through a rich scripting engine
  • Reporting that conforms to industry standards (e.g., Tank Inspection to API 650/653)
  • Flexible texturing capabilities
  • Robust QA operations
  • Full interoperability with common design formats, including IFC and Revit model files and time-saving features like send to AutoCAD or send to Hexagon MinePlan
  • Automatic feature extraction
  • Powerful scripting engine
  • DSM/DTM创建
  • Contour extraction and much more


访问Cyclone 3DR GitHub页面,以查找和共享Leica Geosystems和其他用户的脚本,并分享您自己的脚本。

Ready to migrate from 3DReshaper to Cyclone 3DR?

Are you already a 3DReshaper user and under maintenance? Simply install Cyclone 3DR and use your current EID to benefit from its new features.


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气旋3DR Online Learning

Leica Geosystems开发了一个在线学习平台,以进一步教育客户,以最大程度地利用其投资功能。
Leica Geosystems开发了一个在线学习平台,以进一步教育客户,以最大程度地利用其投资功能。

Leica Cyclone 3DR触摸模式- BIM Inspection Workflow

Leica Cyclone 3DR触摸模式BIM检查工作流程使您可以无缝加载,准备,检查和提供实时结果以进行快速决策。

Leica Cyclone 3DR触摸模式BIM检查工作流程使您可以无缝加载,准备,检查和提供实时结果以进行快速决策。

How-To Guide: Leica Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode

Leica Cyclone 3DR触摸模式将Cyclone 3DR的力量带入了现场,以支持快速可交付的创建和现场决策。
Leica Cyclone 3DR触摸模式将Cyclone 3DR的力量带入了现场,以支持快速可交付的创建和现场决策。