Leica Nova TM60监视总站 - 监视它。

The perfect total station for permanent and campaign monitoring projects.

Leica Nova TM60机器人全站用于监视

在需要安全,连续收集数据时,强大,精确和持久的Leica Nova TM60有助于监视项目。它带有坚定的承诺:实时信息和您可以始终依靠的报告,帮助您按时和准时做出明智的决定。

Be it settling, flexing, shifting, sliding or any other change of state – you will have it under control 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The TM60 comes with the world’s longestatrplusrange, half-second automatic aiming accuracy, advanced imaging and the longest continuous operation.

The instrument reveals its full potential when paired with theLeica GeomosMonitoring Solution。这种组合使您能够对任何监视项目的复杂需求做出反应,无论是连续的还是周期性的。TM60监视总站能够达到ADAPT自动为不断变化的环境条件,通过减少数据差距,停机时间和意外成本,让您放心。

该乐器具有强大而直观的Leica Captivate在板载现场软件。The easy-to-use touch technology and user-friendly apps enable the user to perform campaign monitoring.

何时使用Leica Nova TM60:

  • 永久监控(24/7): remote operation, continuous monitoring, real-time measurement data, robust against various environmental conditions.
  • Campaign monitoring (periodical): flexible instrument setup, automated measurements, Leica Captivate field software, dedicated monitoring app, connectivity to cloud services.
  • Buildings and structures:监视建筑物,摩天大楼,工业和体育设施,离岸和地下结构。
  • 运输infrastructure:监视隧道,铁路,桥梁,道路和高速公路,机场,港口和运河。
  • Environmental monitoring:监视滑坡,岩石瀑布,沉降。
  • Energy infrastructure:监测大坝,油气,核设施,管道发电厂。
  • Mining: monitoring of slope stability, high walls and quarries.

Lowest Downtime

Leica Nova TM60的旨在使您保持安心,因为该领域的连续操作最长,维护时间最长(每年),并且由于新的Leica Geomos Edge而没有数据差距。


由于引入了ATRPLU,Leica Nova TM60现在已成为世界上第一个自学习的总站。Atrplus可以实现高级自动化和最佳测量性能(最多3,000 m),而无需对环境条件进行调整。

Leica Geomos

Leica Geosystems的自动变形监测系统可帮助客户快速了解并对具有必要灵活性监视项目的复杂需求做出反应。



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