
堪萨斯州犯罪实验室对凶杀案现场的新Leica Geosystems 3D激光扫描仪的试验测试为法医工具优于传统的犯罪现场映射方法提供了有力的证明。

2010年复活节,警察侦探对堪萨斯城大都市地区的凶杀案作出回应,要求约翰逊县犯罪学实验室派遣其犯罪现场调查部门。对于实验室五名犯罪现场调查员的主管Ryan Rezzelle来说,该电话代表了意外的机会。就在两天前,Rezzelle从Leica Geosystems租借了最新的型号扫描仪C10 3D激光扫描仪,他和他的团队一直在测试,作为犯罪现场映射的法医工具。

”我想,“更好的薪酬方式are the ScanStation’s capabilities with our current mapping methodologies than to use it at an actual crime scene,” Rezelle said. “We could piggyback the scan data collection without any intrusion. That would provide a real-time field trial test and a side-byside comparison with the protocols used and evidentiary data obtained by the police traffic accident investigation teams that are currently called upon to do the measurements.”

约翰逊县犯罪分子实验室正在考虑最先进的法医测量技术,这并不奇怪。The lab, administered by the Sheriff’s Office, serves a population of over 560,000 residents in both the rural and urban areas on the Kansas side of the greater Kansas City metropolitan area, and has a reputation as one of the most progressive, well-equipped high tech crime labs in the country. Both Sheriff Frank Denning, long a believer in the value of highly professional forensic services, and the lab’s director, Gary Howell, were strong proponents behind the recent commencement of construction planning on a state-ofthe-art crime lab, slated to open in early 2012 in Olathe, Kansas.

此外,美国犯罪实验室董事协会实验室认证委员会根据ASCLD/LAB International计划获得了实验室的认可,ASCLD/LAB International计划是美国犯罪实验室仅获得的全面认证。

After obtaining permission from the lab’s quality assurance manager to trial the ScanStation, Rezzelle and his team investigated the crime scene, the focus of which was the body of a man shot to death in the front seat of a car. Mounting the scanner on its tripod, the investigators conducted three exterior scans within 45 minutes, along with the associated digital photographs. “The set-up and scanning was fast and easy,” Rezzelle said. “We had learned the procedure in about half an hour on Friday with the Leica representative remotely talking us through the process on a speaker phone.”


“What amazed us was, from set up to the time we put the scanner away, we were there maybe sixty to ninety minutes, tops,” Rezzelle recalled. “Compare that to the traffic accident unit, a two man crew using a total station and prism poles, along with their tape measures, hand-held laser distance measuring tools, and Rolatapes, who worked for eight to ten hours marking and measuring single points. We had captured the same scene with literally millions of points in a fraction of that time.”

第二天晚些时候,Rezzelle一夜之间将激光扫描仪带到了Leica Geosystems的佐治亚州总部,此后,那里的一名技术人员迅速处理了五张扫描,并将它们“缝制”到单个“点云”中。然后,从犯罪现场的3D直播和Leica Truview的数据组成的数据中产生了两个高价值展览。(Leica Truview是Internet Explorer的免费插件,允许CSIS快速轻松地与指挥人员,侦探和检察官共享场景数据。最近在佐治亚州凶杀案审判中使用了Truview,将陪审团虚拟地置于犯罪现场。)

对于购买了Leica 3D激光扫描仪的机构,该程序由内部人员执行,这些内部人员完成了由Leica Geosystems开发的面向警察的培训方案。总的来说,这个过程花费了五到六个小时,其中绝大多数是计算机“渲染”和处理时间。到星期五早上,结果掌握在Rezzelle的手中。

“我们被吹走了。每个看到它的人也是如此。”雷泽尔说。“我们从汽车内部捕获了一些出色的数据,通过将所有五张扫描拼接在一起,我们有许多可用的证据。警长弗兰克·丹宁(Frank Denning)对苍蝇动画印象深刻。就个人而言,这是我多年来见过的犯罪现场最令人印象深刻的演讲之一。因此,即使我们认为我们的急速考验,我们也产生了一种检察官,CSIS,律师和犯罪现场重建主义者可以看待的东西,作为出色的输出,以获得良好的清晰清晰的视角,以了解不同组成部分在不同组件的关系中犯罪现场。”

Three dimensional laser scanning has recently taken on additional importance in criminology in the wake of the 2009 report by the National Research Council (NRC), a committee of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Titled “Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Science Community,” the report focuses on strengthening the current benchmark standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), commonly called the ISO 17025. Historically, crime scene response units in most U.S. police agencies have been routinely exempted by their management from the requirement to become accredited. That attitude is changing fast as a growing number of agencies seek accreditation for their crime scene units in a tacit acknowledgment that ISO 17025 protocols should begin at the crime scene and not wait until the evidence reaches the crime laboratory.

Rezzelle坚信Leica Geosystems扫描仪C10激光扫描仪将扮演至关重要的角色:“我认为这就是NAS想要的。一旦人们看到了C10可用的输出,就会期望这将用于捕获美国的每个犯罪现场。他们[NAS]呼吁法医科学基于科学,这就是我们在这里所拥有的。这是说明的。就您的视觉看法而言,它具有描述性。这将是犯罪现场的下一代映射。”

Written by Tony Grissim


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