The high life: Locating the floors of America’s tallest residential building

Case study

中央公园塔监控钥匙视觉2480 x 750px


On Manhattan’s ‘Billionaire’s Row’, a new glistening New York skyscraper nears completion. The Central Park Tower rises to 1,550 feet (472 metres) tall, the tallest residential building in the world, and the second tallest building in the city, second only to One World Trade Center. Construction began in 2014 and Pinnacle Industries II, LLC installed the core super-climber forming system in 2016. Due to the height of the building, Robert Mandelbaum, Survey Engineer at Pinnacle Industries II, used a GPS solution − a Leica Geosystems GNSS system − to locate the layout of each new floor.

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中央公园塔将包含179栋房屋,拥有世界上最昂贵的景色之一。街上的街道上方300英尺(超过91米),向东塔悬臂,为所有朝北居民欣赏中央公园的景色。优雅的外观没有任何东西可以使建筑的复杂性或保持建筑物的足迹一致和准确的挑战。在建造每个新楼层之前,Mandelbaum需要为Pinnacle Industries II团队提供可靠的坐标来列出结构。在较小的建筑物上,测量师将使用光学仪器从地面进行此操作,但高于一定的高度。曼德尔鲍姆解释说:“因为它是如此之高,所以我们不能使用常规的过境(运输级别)来建立位置。”“在恶劣的天气,这并没有发生。在1500英尺(超过450米)处,您看不到传统乐器。”因此,曼德尔鲍姆(Mandelbaum)首次在住宅建筑工地上使用了基于GPS的解决方案。


The Leica Geosystems GNSS-based monitoring system works by GNSS receivers being placed on the outside of the building − the hydraulically climbed protection screen enveloping the structure in this case − and acting as control points that move up as floors are completed. The system used on the Central Park Tower construction included fourLeica AS10 SmartTrack天线with co-located 360 prisms, aLeica GM30 GNSS monitoring receiver, Leica Viva TS15 Total Station (the predecessor ofLeica TS16) 和Leica SpiderandLeica Geomos监视软件. Mandelbaum explains, “The protection screen climbed up alongside the building, so I put all the equipment on it. I didn’t have to worry about me physically moving it up because it was fixed to the inside of the screen. The GNSS antennas, I would place on the perimeter, on each corner of the building as far as I could from each other. They would give me coordinates, and using that I was able to establish control lines.” The control lines mark out where the building slabs-edges, and column and walls will be positioned and located.

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Proven accuracy in a high-pressure environment

The most significant benefit of the system to the Pinnacle II team, says Mandelbaum, was its accuracy, reassuring when working on any construction site, but especially a high rise. He used a traditional technique to check the GNSS measurements. “To verify that the access lines or the control lines stack from floor to floor, every 10 floors, I would use an old school piano wire. Literally a piano wire, and drop it through a corner. I would tie a good 80 lb weight to the bottom of it, and I would physically check with a rule to the access lines on the floor, to the control lines. And it was there, within a 16thof an inch (1/6 inches = 1.55mm accuracy). It just proved that it’s right.”

莱卡万岁TS15全站仪也用于establish the position of the control lines, acting as another independent check of the solution which could be referenced against the antenna readings. The total station positioned itself via prisms co-located under the GNSS antennas. Mandelbaum explains, “I would know where each antenna is according to the solution on the laptop. I would take the antenna that’s the farthest away from me, and I would look for the time solution as well. I would be at the same time slot and shoot (measure with the total station) the antenna. And if it’s the same number that I see on the laptop, within a few thousandths, then I will use it.”


尽管是GNSS系统的新手,但Mandelbaum和他的合作伙伴发现它很容易使用。在Leica的支持下,通过拍摄手机上的一些流程以供参考,他说:“这很简单。”一个自认的机械师,而不是“软件盖伊”莉卡(Leica)的软件程序 - 现在是莱卡蜘蛛软件套件和莉卡·吉莫斯(Leica Geomos)!- 可轻松访问建立控制线必不可少的实时数据。“我需要学习一些步骤,仅此而已。那是小菜一碟。”

中央公园塔的建设将于2021年完成。既然曼德尔鲍姆(Mandelbaum)在构建中的一部分已经完成,他计划再次使用Leica Geosystems GNSS系统:“如果可以的话,我会的。它有一个可行的记录。”

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