
Leica TerrainMapper遇到了大面积映射的挑战。

作者:琳达·达菲(Linda Duffy)

Increased demand for aerial LiDAR is being met with improved scanning features and functionality that produce denser point clouds over larger areas in less time. As an early adopter of scanning technology, Woolpert, the fastest-growing architecture, engineering and geospatial (AEG) firm in the US, has owned and operated every product in Leica Geosystems’ LiDAR series since the ALS40 was released in 2002. Woolpert purchased its first Leica TerrainMapper in early 2019 and has since acquired three more. Today, the TerrainMapper is Woolpert’s preferred technology for large area mapping and difficult terrain, including Department of Transportation (DOT) projects and federal programs such as the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP).

可以将颜色的3D点云图像(顶部)与怀俄明州Teton County的Wind River Lake附近的美国26号的裸露图像(底部)进行比较。

Demand for elevation data


对密度和准确性的期望不断提高,以符合激光雷达传感器的增强功能。在Leica TerrainMapper的释放中,性能的增量改进是一种线性模式传感器的释放,该传感器允许在较高高度收集非常密集的点云,从而大大减少了采集时间。

“With large area mapping, efficiency really pays off,” says Joseph Seppi, vice president and geospatial sector leader at Woolpert. “Our projects can exceed 30,000 square miles, even 100,000 square miles, so the ability to fly at a higher altitude at a faster speed makes TerrainMapper an extremely efficient option.”

The TerrainMapper is capable of collecting LiDAR at flying heights between 300 metres (m) and 5,500 m and delivers USGS LiDAR Quality Level 0 (QL0) data at flying heights up to 2 kilometres (km). This outstanding level of efficiency is ideal for larger regional or national mapping projects where operating costs have a major impact on the frequency of updates.

The contours of the landscape without trees blocking the view are shown in this bare-earth point cloud image looking north on U.S 26 near Brooks Lake Creek Falls in Teton County, Wyo.


每个项目都有最低数据要求,具体取决于预期的应用程序。例如,USGS QL1数据必须至少为每平方米至少8点(PPSM),其均方根误差(RMSE)不超过10.0厘米(CM)。其他标准可能包括叶子,没有雪,没有积水和没有雨。在温带气候中,落叶树和雪是障碍。在热带和亚热带气候中,云和雨水通常是一个问题。由于许多地理区域中的挑战性条件,在有限的飞行窗户上收集有效的数据对于完成工作至关重要。

2019年,怀俄明州交通运输部(WYDOT)与伍尔珀特(Woolpert)签约,在西北怀俄明州(Wyoming)沿着靠近黄石国家公园的西北怀俄明州(Wyoming)沿着大陆鸿沟的10英里延伸地图地图。Woolpert以50 ppsm收集了LiDAR,并用集成的Leica RCD30航空相机同时收集了点云。最终的数字地形模型(DTM)和三角形的不规则网络(TIN)模型为WYDOT提供了一个基线,以确定地球随时间移动的滑动运动,体积和速率。Wydot进行了独立的检查,并比较了来自现场收集点的120多个单个点云高程。平均高度差为3.6 cm超过了所需的5 cm垂直精度。

The TerrainMapper has also proven effective on linear utility projects and powerline rights-of-way and successfully measures sag on elevated power lines. Even while flying faster and higher than other sensors, the TerrainMapper returns the necessary point density for a variety of projects.


Woolpert also flew more than 10 USGS projects in various states in 2019 with the TerrainMapper. In states like Florida and Ohio, the large volume collection at high speeds was instrumental in completing mapping projects within one flying season, despite the weather conditions.




后处理工作流程是效率影响整体项目成本的另一个领域。Woolpert使用Leica HXMAP多传感器处理平台,该平台旨在简化TerrainMapper数据的处理。HXMAP的过程,校准和注册发光点云,同时处理图像传感器数据并颜色点云。在HXMAP的帮助下,Woolpert提供了完全处理的分类点云,这些云符合严格的项目规格,以确保准确性和密度。

“HxMap allows us to be more agile and adapt on the fly to changes,” says Seppi. “We can easily shift processing around to allocate HxMap resources from other projects when we have a critical deadline. HxMap is like a black box that automatically performs its work behind the scenes.”

Designed specifically to work with TerrainMapper data, HxMap leverages the advantages of the integrated scanner/camera system to generate all airborne data products within one single interface. HxMap offers embedded aerial triangulation and a solution for large oblique imaging projects, country-wide orthophoto projects, and large or small LiDAR projects.

怀俄明州交通运输部将伍尔珀特提供的LiDAR数据转化为各种图形,包括Wind River Lake附近该地区的数字地形模型。


Leica TerrainMapper是在非常成功的ALS80系列之后的下一代激光雷达传感器。传感器系统提高数据收集速率与飞行高度,改善飞行计划,并实现偶数分布。增强的生产率节省了时间和金钱,而较高的脉搏率,更高的激光功率和无元技术则有助于更高的点密度。

塞皮说:“莉卡·地理系统的传感器一直在变得更好。”“从ALS80的TerrainMapper的表现跃升非常重要。我们发现圆形扫描模式具有很大的优势,例如线到线的校准和音高调整。飞行更高,更快地提高了我们的效率200-400%。自1989年以来,Leica Ge亚搏彩票手机版下载osystems产品一直是我们传感器机队的骨干。”


Leica TerrainMapper-2
