Leica Geosystemshelps to get roads reopened and keep the economy moving while offering better collision investigation and less stress for the police

Most police forces can find it a challenge to fund replacements for ageing equipment. When Nottinghamshire Police’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit upgraded to new Leica equipment, they experienced a transformation in the way they work. It also transformed how soon they could reopen the roads and limit potentially significant impacts on the economy.


诺丁汉郡警察局高级法医碰撞调查员PC Mark Gascoigne指出:“包括M1,A1和A52在内的几条主要道路,包括M1,A1和A52。”“当有改变生命的伤害或死亡时,对于每个人的缘故,我们都可以做我们最彻底的工作至关重要,而且我们不会急于急事。然而,我们承受着巨大的压力,要尽快重新打开道路,因为封闭会导致混乱。”

“At least 85% of motorway incidents [are to be] cleared within one hour.”
- 在高速公路上说明的目标England’s Strategic Business Plan 2015-2020


2018年,马克(Mark)的碰撞调查部门用Leica Geosystems的新套件取代了其老化设备。马克说:“这不是另一个制造商的错,但是设备已有10年的历史,跌至零碎。”“一半的时间是行不通的,我们会浪费时间打开和关闭它并摆弄它。这可能会增加几个小时的关闭时间,并使我们受到很多压力。”

Mark’s team now have aLeica GS18Tand aLeica Viva TS16在他们的两辆车之一中。It’s worked out so well, they plan to fit the second vehicle with the same kit in 2020. “It’s a pleasure to have equipment that functions to such a high standard and captures such high-quality data, and we’d prefer to standardise across both vehicles,” he says.

A strong partner in Leica

“Initially we were also looking at other manufacturers, but they couldn’t get their demo data to feed into our drawing software. They also didn’t compare as well side-by-side; the Leica kit just felt better and operated better. With virtually no difference in price, we went with Leica. And it’s never failed us.”

Mark acknowledges that two purchases doesn’t make Nottinghamshire Police a big customer for Leica. “And yet they really look after us. Instead of expecting us to go to Milton Keynes for training, which would have been disruptive and costly, they came up here three times over six days, at no extra cost.”


Mark explains that some officers think it’s better to laser-scan an entire scene. “But if all you have is a couple of cars, some marks and the verge edges, then the GS18T is more than up to it. And it’s fast: as a GNSS RTK Rover, the GS18T always knows exactly where it is, so there’s no need to spend time levelling the bubble with the pole held vertical. That’s even better at night, when it might be difficult to see the bubble. Plus, you can also hold the GS18T’s pole in any position you want.. If you’re capturing, say, 600 points at a scene, then saving three to five seconds per point could cut your time on scene by almost an hour.




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